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Killer Frost

Killer Frost

Caitlin Snow

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 56 Karma: 50
Resources: Ty Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Cryokinesis: Mn ability to freeze air around her hands and form it into
-Icicle Shards: Fires Rm mater shards of ice, dealing Rm Edge
-Ice Weapons: Rm material. When using an ice weapon in Edge or Blunt, Killer Frost receives +1cs. Such shapes last for 5-25 rounds. If used to trap opponents, the ice holds them with Rm Strength
-Cold Projection: Rm intensity
-Ice Ramp: She can create ice bridges which she can slide along at Ex ground speed
-Freezing Touch: She could also freeze an entire human body on contact with Mn ability
Immune to Cold: Un


Emotional Instability: As a result of Caitlin's changing biology having physiological affects, making her cruel and sadistic, very emotionally detached and little regard for human life, while she struggles to retain her compassion and sanity, she has developed a form of dissociate identity disorder which is triggered the more she uses her powers and subsequently when she is angered. Caitlin must make a Red Psyche FEAT to come out of the Killer Frost persona.

Talents: Biology, Engineering, Medicine, First Aid

Contacts: Savitar