Lagoon Boy
F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20
Health: 120 Karma: 40
Resources: Pr Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Amphibious Physiology: Lagoon Boy is an Amphibian boy. He is small in stature, but stronger, quicker and more durable than an ordinary human. His body gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Claws: Ty Edge
-Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer penalties from any underwater battles
-Enhanced Senses: Ex Sight
-Hyper Swimming: Rm waterspeed
-Resistance to Cold: Ex
-Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties against darkness
Atlantean Magic: Lagoon Boy is a student at the Conservatory of Sorcery, he shows to have the following abilities:
-Hydrokinesis: Rm ability to manipulate water, but the extent of his powers is unknown.
-Growth: Fe ability to puff up like a puffer fish. In his Puffer Form, Lagoon Boy is granted the following power stunts:
-Enhanced Stats: Strength and Endurance are +2cs
-Body Armor: Lagoon Boy's body armor is +3cs
-Leaping: Gd
Talents: Acrobatics, Mystic Background, Martial Arts A, B, Underwater Combat
Contacts: Aquaman, Miss Martian/M'Gann M'rzz, Aqualad, The Team, Atlantis Conservatory of Magic