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F) +2cs
A) +3cs
S) +5cs
E) +5cs

Lexosuit: The Lexosuits are a series of protective exosuits designed by Lex Luthor. Luthor built the Lexosuits in order to battle on par with his nemesis, Superman. It grants him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Corrosives, Am protection vs. Heat and Cold, Mn protection vs. Energy
-Alter Ego: Stats change accordingly
-Suit Materialization: The Lexosuit is able to materialize and demateralize around the wearer after use.
-Flight: In airspeed
-Life Support: The Lexosuit provides the wearer from harsh environments
-HUD Display: The suit is controlled by heads up display. Allowing the user to control all of its functions, such as the following:
--Flight Computer: Grants the Lexosuit Ex maneuverability, and also a +2cs to any Agility FEAT that involves maneuvers or turns.
--Targeting Computer: Grants the Lexosuit +2cs to Agility to fire the suit's weapons systems.
--Systems Monitoring: Displays within the helmet inform him of the status of weapons and power level.
-Weapons Systems: The Lexosuit's weapons are located in the gauntlets. It has the following array:
--Arm Cannon: Up to Un Energy or Force, 10 areas
--Kryptonite Emitters: The gauntlets are able to emit Kryptonite radiation with a 2-area radius. It causes a Kryptonian's cells to deteriorate, similar to radiation poisoning in a human being. Exposure to Kryptonite causes a Kryptonian to lose all their powers at -1cs per round. They also loses 1 rank of Strength and Endurance (with its loss of Health) per round until death occurs at Sh-0 Endurance.
--Kryptonite Blade: Up to Am Edge, made to ignore Kryptonian's resistance
--Energy Shield: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy

The Lexosuit fully armored