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Jennifer "Jen" Pierce

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ex20

Health: 46 Karma: 32
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Electrical Generation: Un ability to generate electric shocks and bursts from her hands. Jen is a generator as her body appears to create pure electrical energy from her own cells at all times, storing it so that she can use it at will. However, if she abstains from using her powers for long enough, the energy in her body builds until she is seemingly forced to discharge it in some way, whether she wants to or not; this type of reaction has been shown to occur most frequently when she's in an emotional state. She could even generate enough amounts of electricity to "power-up" her father after he was completely drained of his powers, though it left her momentarily exhausted. She is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Electrical Absorption: Similar to her father, Jen can absorb electricity from nearby electronics such as phones and lightbulbs.
-Electricity detection: Similar to her father, Jennifer is able to sense and detect electrical signals in her immediate vicinity. She seems to also be able to "see" the electrical signals in a human body as they're being sent through the nervous system, allowing her to detect that Khalil was dying as a result of the decreasing number and slowed pace of the electrical impulses in his body.
-Electrical blasts: Just like her father, Jennifer can create blasts and bolts of electrical energy and project it at her opponents. This can be as mild as a small electrical shock or as severe as a fully-formed bolt of electricity
-Electrical constructs: Using her electrokinesis, Jennifer can create constructs made of electrical energy. She first utilized this when she created an electro-rope/lasso to lift Martin Proctor into the air and bring him down.
-Electrical transformation: Jen can generate an electrical field, turning her into a being of sentient lightning.[11] At her greatest intensity, her transformation morphs from sentient electricity to what almost resembles plasma-like fire; Perenna refers to this aspect of her power as "the storm," as a reference to its similarity to an electrical firestorm.
-Electro-telekinesis Using her electricity, Jennifer can manipulate the matter of objects with electricity or electromagnetism.
-Flight: Jennifer can generate an electrical field around her body that allows her to flow in mid-air although when she's sleeping. This power was first shown to be an unconscious response to the growing power within her body, but she has since learned how to consciously use it, as seen when she sat cross-legged in a meditative position several feet above the floor in an effort to concentrate on pulling the power back inside of herself. Jennifer is so in control of her powers that she could focus to the point, that she can fly on command.
Photokinesis: Jennifer can generate balls of light of varying sizes and levels of brightness. These constructs were first shown to float in the air around Jennifer in a way that resembles fireflies during her bouts of sleep-levitation. She has also demonstrated an intense offensive use of this power that involves creating large, powerful balls of light that can be thrown some distance away, exploding and temporarily blinding those exposed to it. When Khalil asked her what she was upon first learning about her powers, Jennifer replied, "I am light", in reference to the photokinetic aspect of her powers.


Talents: Student

Contacts: Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce, Lynn Stewart, Thunder/Anissa Pierce, Peter Gambi

Jennifer Pierce