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Malcolm Merlyn

Malcolm Merlyn

F) In40
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 110 Karma: 110
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Training: Merlyn underwent training with the League of Shadows in Nanda Parbat. He is able to perform the following:
-Iron Will: Am
-Stealth: Rm

Costume: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Voice Filter: Rm ability to disguise his voice
Customized PSE Chaos AD Compound Bow: Rm material, fires up to 7 areas
Arrows: Malcolm creates and designs his arrows himself. The arrows he used have arrow heads with three "Teflon-coated titanium blades" on each arrow, with the blades serrated for splitting bones, and the shaft itself is made of "specialized polymer stronger than typical carbon fiber". He has used the following types of arrows:
-Hunting Arrows: Ex Edge
-Explosive Arrows: Rm damage to an entire area
Scimitar: In material, In Edge
Throwing Knives: In material, Ex Thrown Edge
Smoke Bombs: Rm intensity, 1 area

Talents: All Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Archery, Swrodsmanship, Business/Finance, Stealth, Ninja, Sleight of Hand, Toxicology, Computers

Contacts: Thea Queen