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Music Meister

Music Meister

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) In40
P) Mn75

Health: 36 Karma: 145
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Hypnotism: Un ability to hypnotize anyone he makes eye-contact with, sending their minds into a dream world. He is also able to enter the dreams and manipulate the dream world as he sees fit, including the "free will" of the dream people within it. While only existing in the person's mind, if they are to die in the dream, they will die for real. It also has the following power stunts:
-Power Absorption: Un, Anyone under the effects of his hypnosis becomes energy-linked to him, enabling him to gradually steal their powers for his own usage. He is also shown able to contain and draw power from multiple targets at once.
Omniscient awareness: CL1000, Music Meister has indeed shown to have in-depth knowledge of various places and people from across the multiverse. Despite coming from an unknown reality, he was aware of the existence of Earth-1 and Earth-38, along with detailed knowledge of the secret identities and personal lives of Barry Allen as the Flash, and Kara Danvers as Supergirl.
Teleportation: Un


Talents: Performer: (Singing, Dancing), Escape Artist, Strategist

Contacts: None