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F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Un100

Health: 215 Karma: 150
Resources: Am Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Fifth-Dimesional Lifeform: Mxyzptlk is a being from the Fifth Dimension. As such, Mxyzptlk is able to perform the following abilities:
-Reality Alteration: CL1000 ability to manipulate logic and the fundamentals of reality on a multiversal scale. He can create structured lifeforms with full complexions that don't exist just by thinking, and in that regard, he can also make any living organism vanish and become non-existent at a single thought.
-Animation: CL1000 ability to bring objects to life, such as the statue of Jor-El in the fortress of solitude.
-Clairvoyance: CL1000, he claims to have been watching Kara Zor-El from his dimension.
-Conjuration: CL1000 ability to create objects or sentient creatures at a whim. He created a duplicate Parasite, conjured up flowers, violinists, a wedding ring, and many other objects. He can also make them disappear instantaneously.
-Flight: Un airspeed
-Power Bestowal: Mr. Mxyzptlk also suggested that he could turn Kara into a similar "god", allowing her to have powers similar to his with CL1000 ability
-Teleportation: Un ability to teleport wherever he chooses


Name Backwards: If Mxyzptlk says his name backwards, Kltpzyxm, then he will return to the Fifth Dimension
Dimensional Ties: There is a device that is able to cut off his ties to the Fifth Dimension, effectively shutting off his powers until the device is destroyed.


Contacts: None