Nathaniel "Nat" Tryon
F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health: 28 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Radioactivity Manipulation: Neutron’s body is a living nuclear reactor. He always gives off Fe radiation except when wearing his special harness, which allows him to control his power. Neutron has developed the following Power Stunts:
-Invulnerability to Radiation: CL1000
-Energy Blasts: Un Energy, 10 areas
-Heat Burst: Am ability to produce and release cascading omnidirectional energy waves which can cause destruction to the nearby environment to an entire area. The energy waves are released automatically, such that the next energy wave is released before the first energy wave fades.
-Regeneration: Un ability to reconstitute himself after being completely dispersed
-Explosive Energy: Neutron's powers are so destructive that he needs to have a containment suit which stabilizes his energy and prevents him from detonating himself. Everything with in his area suffers Un damage, while targets in the surrounding area suffer Mn damage.
Containment Suit: Am material, Neutron wore a containment suit to stabilize his energy from being detonated and prevent the cause of a huge explosion. The suit seemed to stabilize him by releasing energy in the form of omnidirectional waves
Talents: None
Contacts: None