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Rama Khan

Rama Khan

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) In40
I) Rm30
P) Mn75

Health: 290 Karma: 145
Resources: Mn Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Jarhanpurian Physiology: Due to Rama's alien physiology, he has superhuman physical attributes and was gifted with the power of geokinesis:
-Geokinesis: Un ability to create natural disasters like earthquakes and becomes part of the Earth itself. He has complete control over the earth on any scale and makes it part of him like when he took Supergirl's full heat vision at no effect because he used Earth as a buffer. He is capable of the following power stunts:
--Earthquake Generation: Mn ability to manipulate seismic waves to create earthquakes at will.
--Terraportation: Un ability to use his earth powers to teleport from one place to another
--Molecular Reconstruction: Un ability to alter the make-up of his body to a hard Rock.
--Lithokinesis: Un ability to use earth's rocks as a tactic for defense and combat.
-Hydrokinesis: Mn ability to manipulate and bend water to his will to a point of creating mass destruction.
-Atmokinesis: Mn ability to manipulate and bend the weather to his will
-Extended Longevity: Rama is nearly immortal having lived at least 2 million years
-Regeneration: Un
-Super Senses: Un ability to feel anything that is near the elements

Staff of the Shadow World: Un material, The Staff of the Shadow World is a weapon used by Rama Khan. When the planets become aligned the staff combined with the power of the Medallion of Acrata can be used to cause an extinction level event. It raises Khan's powers to Sh-Z levels

Connection to the Earth: Rama Khan can only connect himself to one planet at any one time. As such, he can only control the material that makes up that one planet and requires a connection to the ground to use his reconstructive abilities. This means he must be on the ground to use his abilities. It also means he cannot control the Fortress of Solitude as this is Kryptonian material.

Talents: Leadership, Stealth, All Martial Arts, Strategist, Bi-Lingual: (English, Jarhanpurian)

Contacts: Leviathan