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Eobard Thawne/Dr. Harrison Wells

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Ex20
E) Am50
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) In40

Health: 150 Karma: 100
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Superhuman Speed: Sh-X, Eobard Thawne is able to travel at superhuman speeds. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Deliver 100 Gd blows in a round
-Eobard moves so fast that he is able to perform 9 actions in a combat round.
-Water Running: Eobard may ran across water as if it were a solid surface and at Un. As long as he keeps his feet in motion he may even briefly stop to observe something or change directions.
-Wall Running: Eobard may run up walls as if he were a normal person walking across the ground with Un ability
-Speed Mirage: Mn, Eobard can move so fast he can create lifelike "After-images" of himself, allowing him to literally be in two places at once. Thawne used this ability to appear as Harrison and Reverse Flash at the same time, he even made it seem like, Reverse Flash was beating Harrison to death.
-Vibration: Un ability to vibrate his body at extreme speeds. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Disguise: Am ability to vibrate his entire body to mask his body from others clearly perceiving it and even distort his vocal cords to disguise his voice.
--Intangibility: Mn ability to move any part of his body so fast that he can phase himself through people or objects. It deals Mn damage to a living target
-Accelerated Perception: Am ability to take in information and process it at much faster rates than a normal human. This ability allows Eobard to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which, combined with his physical speed, lets him perform thoughts and actions long before a normal human around him could even perceive them.
-Rapid Cellular Regeneration: Rm
-Enhanced Metabolism: In resistance to drugs or alcohol.

Reverse-Flash Costume: Eobard wears a costume whilst acting as the Reverse-Flash, to hide his identity from his victims. It is similar to Barry's Flash costume. The costume provides him with the following:
-Abrasive Resistance: In protection vs. Heat
Flash Ring: Eobard owns a ring with a Flash lightning-bolt on it that can open secret rooms within S.T.A.R. Labs. He uses it to open up a wall that contains a mannequin which his Reverse-Flash suit is draped over.
Wheelchair: Wells uses a wheelchair to get around. It moves at Ty landspeed

Facade: Wells is not actually paralyzed, but leads everyone to believe that he cannot walk.

Talents: Leadership, Engineering, Physics, Genetics, Computers, Knowledge of the Future (Ex)

Contacts: S.T.A.R. Labs, Flash/Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Joe West, Gorilla Grodd

Eobard Thawne

Reverse-Flash disguised as Harrison Wells

Masquerading as Harrison Wells