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Green Arrow

Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen is a billionaire and former playboy turned vigilante archer. At various points he owned and operated the night club, Verdant, and was CEO of Queen Consolidated. After being presumed lost at sea for 5 years Oliver returned to Starling City with a mission to clean the city of crime and corruption and became a hooded vigilante using a bow and arrow called The Hood, willing to use lethal force if needed. After his best friend Tommy Merlyn was killed in the Undertaking, Oliver made a vow to never kill again unless he absolutely had to and renamed himself The Arrow. After his maternal half-sister Thea, was nearly killed, Oliver hoaxed Ra's al Ghul into becoming his heir, earning the titles Al Sah-him and Warith al Ghul. He earned the title Ibn al Ghul when Ra's forced Oliver and Nyssa to be married. Eventually, Oliver defeated Ra's; inheriting the title of Ra's al Ghul, before passing on the leadership of the League of Assassins to Malcolm Merlyn and retired from vigilantism soon after to begin a new life with Felicity. After 5 months of retirement, Oliver returned to vigilantism, using the code-name Green Arrow. He has also been referred to as the Emerald Archer.

Current Incarnation:
Green Arrow

Former Incarnations:
The Hood
The Arrow
Al Sah-him