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Anissa Pierce

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 56 Karma: 60
Resources: Ty Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Density Control: Inheriting her powers from her father, Anissa is capable of controlling the density of her body, without affecting her size or shape. She can trigger this through her breathing. She is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Superhuman Strength: She can trigger her strength through holding her breath, granting her Am Strength. With this strength, Anissa can perform the following power stunts:
--Shockwaves: In ability to generate shockwaves with an area.
--Thunder Clap: In Force by clapping her hands together to those in the same area as her
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Electricity: Mn
Regeneration: Ty

Thunder Suit: After Anissa's powers were revealed to Jefferson and Lynn, Lynn had Gambi make a protective suit to protect Anissa and conceal her identity. It grants her the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical
-Resistance to Fire and Flame: In
-Vital Monitoring: Ex, the suit has state-of-the-art neural interface technology stitched into the lining, so that Gambi is able to monitor Anissa's vitals from his tailor shop's basement.
-Communications: Ex comminucations with Gambi

Breath Control: All of Anissa's powers, except for her accelerated healing factor, are triggered when she inhales deeply. Because of this, when she is in between breaths, she is as vulnerable as a human

Talents: Medicine, First Aid, Martial Arts A, B, Educator, Lip Reading, Detective/Espionage

Contacts: Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce, Lynn Stewart, Thunder/Jennifer Pierce, Peter Gambi

Anissa Pierce