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Artemis Crock

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 90 Karma: 40
Resources: Ty Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Energy
Sword: In material, In Edge
Crossbow: Fires up to 5 areas
Crossbow Bolts: Tigress carries orange/brown bolts for her crossbow. She stores them in her utility belt. She has used the following bolts:
-Regular Bolt: Gd Shooting
-Net: In Ensnarement
-Polyurethane Foam: Release a high-density polyurethane foam of In material that engulf and incapacitate a target with In Strength
Bolas: Ex ensnarement
Blowpipe: Fires up to 3 areas, it fires In potency darts that causes catatonia for weeks.
Pellets: In combat, Tigress has used the following types of pellets:
-Explosive Pellets: Rm damage to an entire area
-Smoke Bomb: Rm intensity
Glamour Charm: Originally created by Zatanna, Nightwing gave Artemis the charm so she could use it to alter her appearance with Mn ability

Talents: Marksmanship, Streetwise, Bows, Weapon Specialist: Bow, Martial Arts B, Stealth

Contacts: Black Manta, Kaldur'ahm, Kid Flash/Wally West, Paula Crock