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Eliza Harmon

F) Ex20/Ty6
A) Am50/Ty6
S) Gd10/Ty6
E) Am50/Ty6
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Pr4

Health: 130/24 Karma: 44
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Velocity-9 enhancement: After injecting herself with Velocity-9, Eliza gained the powers of a speedster, such as the following:
-Enhanced Stats: As Trajectory, the stats with Velocity-9 are shown on the left
-Superhuman Speed: Un
--Deliver 50 "Ty" Blows in a round
--Trajectory can move so fast she is able to perform Extra Attacks with Sh-X ability.
--Multiple attacks that inflict up to Am damage to a target
--To hit Trajectory in top gear a Red FEAT to is required for anything other than an area effect or Psychic attack. If she is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.
--Considered Un rank for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading.
--Considered Un rank for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
--Considered Un rank for Intuition for initiative.
--Trajectory is considered to have Mn Endurance for movement and tiring purposes.
-Accelerated Perception: Am ability to take in information and process it just as fast. This allowed Eliza to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which combined with her physical speed lets her think, perform actions, and react to events, long before a normal human around him could even perceive them.
-Extreme Force Generation: Through Eliza's ability to accelerate her movements, she can generate extreme momentum and physical force, allowing her to overpower regular humans with little to no effort. By running back and forth on a bridge with great intensity, she induced a tremor with enough jolt and friction that nearly caused it to collapse with Am ability.
-Electrokinesis: Un ability to generate electricity from her body, which was yellow in color. She was able to interfere with the surrounding electronics. After she took an overdose of Velocity 9, it turned her electricity blue.

Velocity-9: Velocity 9 does give Eliza the power of super speed, but as she uses it too many times, it brought her some undesirable side-effects. It has the following drawbacks:
-Dissociative Identity Disorder: The side effects of V-9 psychologically split Eliza's personality and separated her mind in two; herself and her alter ego; Trajectory, hungry for entertainment and power. She must make a Red Psyche FEAT to overcomme these thoughts
-Cellular Deterioration: As Eliza used the formula too many times, the cells of her body began to quickly degenerate as she didn't have a natural connection to the Speed Force, ultimately causing her body to dissolve into nothing.

Talents: Chemistry, Biology, Genetics

Contacts: Mercury Labs, Caitlin Snow