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Cisco Ramon

F) Pr4
A) Ty6
S) Pr4
E) Ty6
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 20 Karma: 50
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Dimensional Energy Manipulation: Cisco has a psychic link to the natural energies of reality, allowing him to connect with various vibrations of the multiverse and perform the following power stunts:
-Dimensional awareness: Mn ability to perceive various events throughout time and space, letting him see into the past and future as well as parallel dimensions, even into the very Speed Force itself. He can even regain memories from an alternate timeline as he gradually began remembering the original events after Barry reset the timeline. Cisco is able to access these events by touching an individual or one of their personal possessions. These visions are typically hazy and dark, with a slightly distorted quality. He can perform the following power stunts:
--Vibe Communication: Un communications with the person he is vibing.
--Empathic Vibe: Cisco can vibe how a person is feeling with Mn ability.
--Vibe Transferal: Un ability to vibe people into the minds of others.
-Dimensional Travel: Un ability to open portals to other dimensions. Being a noticeably more advanced ability, Cisco is shown to need focus and a proper awareness of his intended target. This required Harrison Wells to first calibrate Cisco's visors to lock onto the right electromagnetic frequencies that are located on the said dimensional plane. Jumping through these portals himself appears to be more stressful on his body as he is dividing his focus between two actions. He is capable of the following power stunts:
--Teleportation: On a lesser level, he can make portals to teleport people to different locations in the same universe with Mn ability
-Vibrational Blasts: Up to Mn Force, 10 areas
-Mental connection: Un ability to connect with fellow "vibers" by their powers and are able to observe each other if they're skilled enough. Cisco, as of yet hasn't master use of his powers well enough to do this at will

Vibe Suit: The Vibe suit is a protective suit that Cisco Ramon uses to help control his powers also for when he is fighting as Vibe. It gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
-Vibrational Gauntlets: Allows Vibe +1cs to Vibrational Blasts
Vibe Glasses: The glasses allow give Vibe +1cs to his Dimensional Vibration abilities

Talents: Repair/Tinkering, Engineering, Weapons Design, Computers

Contacts: S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin Snow, Flash/Barry Allen, Felicity Smoak, Joe West, Iris West, Kid Flash/Wally West