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Mari McCabe

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 90 Karma: 50
Resources: Ex Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Anansi Totem: All of Mari's powers come from her necklace, which allow her to harness the life force of animals, in essence harnessing their abilities. Since accessing its power, the necklaces has bonded with her, preventing it from being removed from her neck. It gives her the following abilities:
-Super-Speed: Through the spirit of the cheetah, she gains Mn speed
-Super-Strength: Through the spirit of the elephant, gorilla, lion, or rhinoceros. she gains Mn Strength, Health changes
-Super-Agility: Through the spirit of the tiger, she gains In Agility (Health changes) as well as Gd Leaping
-Camouflage: Through the spirit of the chameleon, she gains Am ability to blend herself in with her surroundings
-Wall climbing: Mari can gain the wall crawling abilities of a spider, defying gravity.
-Flight: Mari can access the spirit of the eagle, gaining Ex ability to fly.
-Superhuman smelling: Through the spirit of the wolf, Mari can lock onto a target's scent, by first getting a sample of it. From this, she can determine if the target is within a wide area and likewise track the target down with Am ability.
-Superhuman Hearing: Through the spirit of the owl, Mari gains In ability to hear quiet conversations from great distances.

Talents: Stealth, Acrobatics, Martial Arts A, C, Fashion Design, Occult Lore

Contacts: Green Arrow/Oliver Queen