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Kid Flash

Kid Flash

Wally West

F) Gd10
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 100 Karma: 70
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Lightning Speed: Un land speed, Kid Flash is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Un strength for breaking a grappling attack.
-Extra attacks with Un ability or multiple attacks that inflict up to Am damage, ignoring body armor (only one to hit roll is made).
-Create cyclones for Gd damage and Sh-X stunning or slamming
-Catch arrows
-Water Running: 1000 feet with a 100-foot approach
-Wall Running: 300 feet with a 500-foot approach
-One must make a Red FEAT to hit Kid Flash with anything other than an area or psychic attack. If Kid Flash is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.
Resistance to Cold: In
Enhanced Metabolism: In resistance to Drugs

Costume: Kid Flash's costume provides him with the following:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Heat and Cold, Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Communicator: Am ability to communicate with others
-Stealth Mode: +1cs to Stealth at night when activated
-Polar Stealth: +1cs to stealth in whiteout or snowy conditions
Goggles: When running, Kid Flash uses a pair of goggles, they provide him the following:
-Infrared Vision: Rm

Hyper-Accelerated Metabolism: Wally's metabolism functions several times faster than normal; in fact, he constantly needs a large quantity of food to stabilize himself, otherwise his body will fail because of the lack of adequate nourishment.
Speed Control: Kid Flash needs to accelerate and decelerate when stopping and going. Kid Flash must make an Agility FEAT vs. an abrupt stops usually resulting in him crashing and hurting himself.

Talents: Acrobatics, Biology, Multi-Lingual: (English, French, Latin, Vietnamese)

Contacts: Artemis Crock, Paula Crock, Nightwing/Dick Grayson, The Team, The Flash/Barry Allen, Rudolph West, Mary West, Iris West, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Impulse/Bart Allen

Wally West