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Nora West-Allen

F) Gd10
A) Am50
S) Ty6
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 116 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Metahuman Physiology: Nora possesses a natural connection to the Speed Force, giving her the powers of incredible speed and superhuman reflexes. This granted her the following abilities:
-Superhuman Speed: Un, Nora is able to travel at superhuman speeds. She is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Deliver 100 Gd blows in a round
--Nora moves so fast that she is able to perform 9 actions in a combat round.
--Water Running: XS may ran across water as if it were a solid surface and at Un. As long as she keeps her feet in motion, she may even briefly stop to observe something or change directions.
--Wall Running: Nora may run up walls as if she were a normal person walking across the ground with Un ability
--Intangibility: Un ability to vibrate all the cells in his body at the same frequency as air and can seamlessly pass through any solid target unfazed.
-Accelerated Perception: Am ability to take in information and process it at much faster rates than a normal human. This ability allows Barry to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which, combined with his physical speed, lets him perform thoughts and actions long before a normal human around him could even perceive them.
-Rapid Cellular Regeneration: Rm
-Enhanced Metabolism: In resistance to drugs or alcohol.

XS Costume: Nora wears a protective suit as XS, to hide her identity when fighting crime. It was designed by Cisco Ramon for her mother, Iris, when she had Barry's powers transferred but was passed down to Nora when she started her life as a superhero. The costume provides her with the following:
-Abrasive Resistance: In protection vs. Heat
-Communication Device: In ability to communicate with S.T.A.R. Labs

Hyper-Metabolism: While moving at accelerated speeds, Nora burns calories much faster than a normal person. This requires her to consume large amounts of nutrients to maintain her peak physical performance. Continued usage of her speed while deprived of such render her disoriented and weak before ultimately passing out as a result of low blood glucose.
Cold Temperatures: Because Nora's speed comes from a build-up of body heat, Nora is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures. Under these conditions, Nora's speed will be greatly reduced by -3cs, and it will also temporarily stunt her healing capacities.

Talents: Forensics, Bi-Lingual: (English, Speed Force), Trivia: (The Flash)

Contacts: The Flash/Barry Allen, Iris West-Allen, Team Flash, Lightning Lad