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Hunter Zolomon of Earth-2

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 160 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Metahuman Physiology: After being affected by the particle accelerator, while receiving electroshock treatment, Hunter gained a connection to the Speed Force; a mysterious energy field. His DNA was altered and cells supercharge with enormous amounts of electricity, augmenting his physiology to beyond peak human condition. This granted him the following abilities:
-Superhuman Speed: Un, Zoom is able to travel at superhuman speeds. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Deliver 100 Gd blows in a round
--Zoom moves so fast that he is able to perform 9 actions in a combat round.
--Water Running: Zoom may ran across water as if it were a solid surface and at Un. As long as he keeps his feet in motion he may even briefly stop to observe something or change directions.
--Wall Running: Zoommay run up walls as if he were a normal person walking across the ground with Un ability
--Vibration: Am ability to vibrate his entire body to mask his body from others clearly perceiving it and even distort his vocal cords to disguise his voice.
--Intangibility: Un ability to vibrate all the cells in his body at the same frequency as air and can seamlessly pass through any solid target unfazed.
--Create Cyclones: These tornadoes will inflict Gd Blunt or Stun and Slam attacks. Zoom must specify which effect they are going for when using this in combat.
-Accelerated Perception: Am ability to take in information and process it at much faster rates than a normal human. This ability allows Zoomto see the world as if it is in slow motion, which, combined with his physical speed, lets him perform thoughts and actions long before a normal human around him could even perceive them.
-Rapid Cellular Regeneration: Rm
-Enhanced Metabolism: In resistance to Drugs or Alcohol.
-Electrokinesis: As a speedster, Zoom produces a powerful blue electricity from his body and can use it in any way he chooses. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Static Shock: By generating enough friction on a specific part of his body, such as his hands, to produce In Electricity on contact
--Lightning Bolt: Zoom can hurl lightning bolts by using the electricity he produces. It deals up to Am damage
-Speed Mirage: Zoom can use his speed to make it appear like he's in many places at once, when in reality, he is simply bouncing back and forth too fast for the human mind to perceive the difference. He can create dozens of after-images, allowing him to disorientate his enemy and catch them off guard with Am ability.
-Interdimensional Travel: Un ability to travel between Earth-1 and Earth-2 at will by using the "breaches" between worlds. His speed allowing him to temporarily stabilize the interdimensional "corridors" that linked any one breach on Earth-2 with a corresponding breach on Earth-1, letting him and those he brings along pass through them. After stealing Barry's Speed Force energy, Hunter became powerful enough to create breaches with his own speed. He was able to open a portal with a simple punching motion.
-Time Travel: Un ability to travel through time, Zoom is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Time Remnant Construct: Through an unknown sequence of time travel, Hunter is able to get time remnants, versions of himself from either past, future, or aborted timelines, to assist him in his schemes. After understanding that he won't be able to stay on both Earths when Barry Allen decided to travel to Earth-2, Hunter pulled a version of himself and had it aid Team Flash before killing him to bring despair to the team. After killing Henry Allen, Zoom traveled back in time moments before his present self time travels, resulting with one of Zooms becoming a time remnant. This time remnant was defeated by Barry, but was killed by Zoom shortly himself when Barry couldn't bring himself to kill the time-traveling Hunter.

Zoom Costume: Hunter wears a protective suit as his super villain alter-ego, Zoom, to hide his identity from his enemies. The costume provides him with the following:
-Abrasive Resistance: In protection vs. Heat
-Communication Device: In ability to communicate with S.T.A.R. Labs
-Claws: In Edge

Velocity Serum: The Velocity speed drug that Hunter overdosed on to become faster had a severely degenerative effect on his cells that would, in due course, kill him unless he absorbed the speed of the Flash. Now that Hunter achieved this, his life is no longer in danger.
Extreme Cold: For every speedster, low temperatures are a problem as it slows them down and can weaken their healing abilities. Up to Un Cold can cause this to happen to Zoom
Psychological Trauma: Hunter suffers from severe PTSD, due to him watching his father kill his mother. He constantly has flashes to his traumatic experiences, either his father killing his mother, the orphanage he was placed in, or his shock therapy treatments. Should he suffer a flash, he must make a Red Psyche FEAT to overcome the flashes
Time Wraiths: As Hunter continually broke the rules of the Speed Force, trying manipulate Speed Force recover side effects Velocity serums especially after he went back in time for his time remnant, Time Wraiths, the Speed Force's enforcers, were continually sent by the Speed Force to go after him.

Talents: Leadership, Strategist, Intimidation, Martial Arts A, B, E, Acrobatics

Contacts: Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow (Earth-2), Reverb/Cisco Ramon (Earth-2), Deathstorm/Ronnie Raymond (Earth-2), Black Siren/Laurel Lance (Earth-2), Rupture/Dante Ramon (Earth-2), Various other Earth-2 Metahumans