What you have to know buying Zithromax. Hoodia - natural way to lose weight. What we like more - our fat or our health? The menopause-what is next? New ideas for your home.

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What you have to know buying Zithromax.

uses of Zithromax Zithromax is an antibiotic ( macrolide-type ) used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It'll not work for viral infections ( e. g. , common cold, flu ) . Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.

how to use of Zithromax Take Zithromax by mouth with or without food, usually once a day, or as directed by your doctor. You may take Zithromax with food if stomach upset occurs.

Antibiotics work best when the amount of medicine in y ...

Healthy life information

Hoodia - natural way to lose weight

Hoodia - natural way to lose weight

Hoodia is a Succulent botanical and is part of the Genus: Trichocaulon and belongs to the Family Name: Asclepiadaceae. There are approximately twenty plants within the Hoodia genus family, however, Hoodia Gordonii is the unique plant that South African San bushmen have used for generations to endure long hunting expeditions.

Independent tests conducted in Leicester, England on obese individuals from all walks of life have proved that over a 15-day period, food intake was reduced by 1000 calories a day.

In the wild Hoodia takes 5-6 years to mature but is now being cultivated in as little as 2 years commercially in sustainable quantities and has become widely known for its effects as an appetite suppressant.

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What we like more - our fat or our health?

What we like more - our fat or our health?

Obesity is defined as having an abnormal increase of body fat which is also called adipose tissue mass. An obese person is 20 percent or more above desirable weight. In the last decade obesity has been on the rise in both women and men.

Scale weight is a total measure of bone, muscle, fluid, organs, and fat. Weight measurements reflected by the bathroom scale or compared to standard height and weight tables does not allow for weight changes which occur due to aging, exercise, or frame size. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on body composition and healthy lifestyles with less on body weight alone.

Many people are tempted by ads that use celebrities to tout liquid fasting diets for weight loss. Ads claim quick and easy weight loss with use of such products. Very obese patients may be referred to these types of diets. Their diets are carefully supervised by their healthcare provider.

Medically supervised fasts are very low calorie diets which provide from 400 to 800 calories per day. While most of these diets are low in calories, the protein provision is very high. The purpose of these diets is to promote fat loss, not muscle loss. The high protein content helps prevent large losses of muscle tissue. Electrolytes, vitamins and minerals are also supplemented.

Binge eating can be triggered by many things such as stress, depression, loneliness or anger. Food is used as a way of dealing with issues other than hunger.

Binge eating can be difficult to control because many people turn to food as a way of dealing with their feelings. Keeping a food diary can be beneficial in identifying specifically what feelings are likely to trigger binge eating as well as what types of foods are consumed during a binge. Strategies can then be employed to reduce the urge to binge when the impulse strikes.

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The menopause-what is next?

The menopause-what is next?

What doctors officially call menopause is an event - namely, the point at which you get your last menstrual period. This permanent cessation of menstruation is usually marked by 12 consecutive months of having no periods. Most women experience menopause from 40 to 58 years of age, with a median age of 51.4 years.

As hormone levels fall, a woman's pattern of menstrual bleeding usually becomes irregular. Many women experience light, skipped or late periods for several months to a year before their periods stop altogether. Some women may experience heavier-than-normal bleeding. It is important to realize that until menopause is complete, a woman still can become pregnant even when periods are light or missed.

For most women, menopause is a normal process of aging. If a woman has had her ovaries removed by surgery or has had damage to her ovaries for other reasons, such as radiation therapy, she may become menopausal from that process.

Perimenopause, also known as the climacteric, includes the time before menopause when hormonal and biological changes and physical symptoms begin to occur. This period lasts for an average of three to five years.

Menopause is a natural event and cannot be prevented. Medications, diet and exercise can prevent or eliminate some symptoms of menopause and enhance a woman's quality of life as she grows older.

All postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis or are at risk of osteoporosis should take calcium and vitamin D supplements. The usual recommended supplemental dose is 1,000 milligrams of calcium carbonate (taken with meals) or calcium citrate daily. It is best to take this as 500 milligrams twice a day. Women also need 800 international units of vitamin D daily.

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