70s invasion - AURORA PUSHUPS


The AURORA PUSHUPS were a band Billy who sang for ZOLAR - X was in after ZOLAR's demise, not much is known about it, perhaps this came out sometime in the early 80s ? more info coming..........


VENUS and the RAZORBLADES was prodcued by KIM FOWLEY, pictured above to the left....

Truth is truth. It is neither pleasant nor unpleasant in itself. What makes it pleasant or unpleasant is which side you are on - on the side of truth or on the opposite side. That is a logical analysis.

However, there is more to life than logic. There are hopes, wishes, and dreams. Practically, we don't even want to know the truth. We only want to fulfill our wishes. Compared to what we expect, consciously or subcosciously, what we get is always too little too late. We expect much more than the truth. So when we know the truth, we are disppointed.

If we learn to expect the truth, and rise above self-deception, truth can be pleasant. In fact, in that case, nothing but truth will be pleasant.


THE USERS were a punk act of the late 70s....