BOSTON BOPPERS alt. sleeve

this picture sleeve is very different than the one we have pictured on page 12, reviews are also on that page, this one is a great junkshopglam 45.......

excert from a site on the MEDICAL MAFIA

I have met healers who have worked on some famous people in the Far East, and these are the healing methods the Illuminati use. They don't want us to know about such treatments and so they ridicule them, call them "quackery", or condemn them as evil, while secretly using them for their own benefit.

Most of the "quackery" goes on every day in the official hospitals and doctors' surgeries, and the evil is in the billions of people who suffer and die when they could be cured if these suppressed healing methods were in widespread use. This is not to condemn all doctors, only the system which imprisons them. Why do you think so many of the most prominent Illuminati, like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, are able to jet around the world like 40 year olds when they are both in their 70s?

By using the drugs that the Rockefeller pharmaceutical empire turns out for the rest of us? You must be joking. These people know they are causing the death and suffering of billions by their actions, but they don't give a shit, just as most humans don't give a shit about the plight of cattle. Their "medicine" is not designed to make us well in the true sense. Its prime aim is to suppress and dim our thinking processes, and make us subservient to authority. She also shows why the suppressed and ridiculed "alternatives" are more effective than the treatments she was trained to administer. We are multi-dimensional beings and exist on all frequencies and dimensions of Creation. We can access the infinite ocean of consciousness or stay imprisoned in our little droplet, disconnected from the true enormity of who and what we are.

If you were the Anunnaki-Illuminati, where would you want Humanity to be --- stuck in the droplet or sailing on the ocean? One way they do this is by feeding us drugs and chemicals that suppress brain function, clarity of thought, and the ability to connect powerfully with our higher levels of being, or "sixth sense" of psychic awareness and intuition. This is the real reason behind all the drugs, vaccines, and food additives we daily consume. I will give you some examples of this war on the human brain and immune system, but really the list is simply endless.........

see this site for more info ~




the Whizz Kids 45 is said to be sought after by collectors of 70s junk shop glam

then again they weren't KIPPER, then again nobody was KIPPER except for KIPPER !