KIPPER starred in the film 'CONFESSIONS OF A POP PERFORMER' as a pre-punk glam band in the mid 70s, see our gateway 3 for a picture of the soundtrack, nd see this link for more info -
JEFF PHILLIPS & TIGERWING 'superman/other side
not even sure if Phillips and tigerwing released a glam single, it's from ' 76 so it may be good....
God ended his work and he rested, and he made a bond of love between his soul and the soul of all things. And the one became one with the one, and the two, and the 3, and the 8, and with time and with the suble mystery of the humansoul.
His first works are bound by 3 qualities, and he gives toeach thing hi plce in nature. When he three are gone, the work is done, and then a greater work can begin.
His being is the source of all being, the seed of all things that in this life have their life. He is beyond time and space, and yet he is the God of forms infinite who dwells in our inmost thoughts, and who is seen by those who love him. :)
BITTERSUITE rare glam-pop 45