Present Age

Double Shot 2 February 2003 : Priest/Rivera/Morrison/Kane

Thor (v3) 58 March, 2003 : Dan Jurgens / Alan Davis

Iron Man (v3) 64 March, 2003 : Mike Grell / Alan David

Avengers (v3) 63 March 2003 : Geoff Johns / Alan Davis.

Amazing Spider-Man 50 April 2003 : Straczynski/ Romita Jr

Fantastic Four (v3) 67-71 (500) "Unthinkable" May-Oct, 2003 : Waid/Wieringo
The Story: Doctor Doom loves Valeria. He does. Despite the fact he gave her up to the Hazareeth for infinite power and a whoop @$$ new skin suit, he loves her. That is really what Unthinkable is about; Doom's love of Valeria. I mean, he did use Valeria Richards as a porthole to torture the Fantastic Four and send Franklin Richards to Hell, but the main point is that he loves Valeria so much that he had to sacrifice her for ultimate power. The demons wanted the thing he loved the most and it was her. If that doesn't scream romanticism, nothing does.




Fantastic Four 501 "5th Wheel" pt 1 Nov. 2003 Waid/Wieringo
The Story: Reed goes back in time to cap Doom in the back while Doom's not lookin'. What a stand up guy.



Fantastic Four 507-509 "Authoritative Action" Jan-Mar, 2004 : Waid/ Porter / Wierengo
The Story: Not wanting to leave Latveria up for grabs, the Fantastic Four become traitors to their nation and try to defend the struggling country. Reed also "lets" Doom out of the Mobius dimension and Doom takes a joy ride inside every member of the Fantastic Four except Reed. Seriously, I know it sounds dirty, but it's true.

Amazing Spider-Man 500 December, 2003 : Straczynski/ Romita Jr / Romita Sr / Hanna

Amazing Spider-Man 502 February, 2004: J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Jr.

Secret War 1 April, 2004: Brian Michael Bendis/ Gabriele Dell'Otto

Captain Marvel 23 July, 2004: Peter David / Pat Quinn/ Chriscross/ Sotomayor

Marvel Adventures / Fantastic Four: Do Your Thing (One Shot) April, 2005: Forrest Stone / Ron Lim
This was a one shot only available through the public school system. These comics were released as an incentive to teach children to read using comic books. Every child (and teacher... yay me) got a free comic. There are also about 5 adds for toys in the magazine as well (Nothing is really free). In this issue, Doom creates "Splitter" robots that strip a person's will to think for themselves. The Fantastic Four are not affected and foil Doom's plan. The moral: Don't Give into to Peer Pressure... or mind altering robots.
Fantastic Four 525-526 June-July, 2005: Karl Kesel / Tom Grummett (Dream Sequence)

Marvel Knights: "4" 17 June, 2005: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Jim Muniz
Marvel Team-up 2-4, 6 (Tony Stark in Doom's armor) Jan-April, 2005: Kirkman / Kolins

She-Hulk 10

Books of Doom 1 January, 2006: Ed Brubaker / Pablo Raimondi

THE STORY: Have you ever had a girlfriend over and your mom breaks out your baby photos or baby book and is all like, "Look at my wittle baby boy. Wasn't he fat? You know he wet the bed until high school. He still does occasionally." Well, doom has a past too, and unlike your past, Doom's rules.
This issue gives us the back story that was originally brought to us in Fantastic Four Annual #2. A few things have added, but all in all, the story rings true.  The only big question is; who is giving Doom the interview? Is it Larry King? Barbara Walters? Where in the world is Matt Lauer, anyway? Interviewing Doom? Could be.

Books of Doom 2 February, 2006: Ed Brubaker / Pablo Raimondi

THE STORY: "Everywhere around the world, they're comin' to America."
That's right Neil Diamond, Doom is coming to America. In this issue, Doom packs up for the good ole' U. S. of A., and almost gets him a piece of A, but ends up choking the girl. Awkward. We get to see Doom and Reed encounter each other for the first time... again. This scene has been played out like 13 different ways. I'm still waiting for the one where Doom smacks Reed in his pompous mouth when they first meet. We also  get to see Doom recruited to the US to help defeat the Commies. Reed and Doom's first encounter, Commies, Date abuse... How can this issue go wrong?... Well, date abuse is a good start.

Books of Doom 3 March, 2006: Ed Brubaker / Pablo Raimondi

THE STORY: Kablaaamm!!! That was the noise made when Victor Von Doom's "Hell Contactin' Machine©1962" blew up. These issues are revealing very important facts from Doom's origin. They kinda fill in those blanks that all us Doom fans have been wondering about for 40 years (well, for me it's more like 14, due to the fact I got into Fantastic Four around age 10, but someone has been wondering for 40 years). This issue lets us in on the time between Doom's accident and his time with the monks.  Not to spoil anything, but Doom goes to Europe where he hooks up with Angelina Jolie. They end up buying a place in Tibet where they conceive a baby behind Valeria's back.... wait, that was Brad Pitt (I've been watching way too much VH1; which is technically any VH1). Anyway, this issue has it all; drunken bums, bandaged faces, Commies, and tons of other literary crack. I recommend getting two copies, in case you decide to eat one of them just so it becomes a part of you (like they guy in "Red Dragon"); however, I don't recommend doing that. It tastes like school paste.

Books of Doom 4 April, 2006: Ed Brubaker / Pablo Raimondi

THE STORY: "Hey, Dr. Doom. Your attempt to save your mom's soul from Hell just blew up in your face, where are you going to go next?!?"
"I'm going to Tibet!"  This issue shows us the time Doom spent with the monks in the mountains of Tibet and answers many key questions left by issue #3: what is all this prophesy talk, how does Doom become their master, and how will Doom handle the fact that they have obsessive-compulsive disorder?  Wait, wrong Monk. All I know is that whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, or a Buddhist, there is one thing we can all agree on: Metal Suits Rule!!      
Take us out, Black Eyed Peas.
What you gon' do with all that Monk; all that Monk inside your trunk?
I'ma get get get get you drunk; get you love drunk off my Monk.
My Monk, my Monk,... my Monk, my Monk, my Monk
. ♫
My Monk, my Monk, my Monk,... my lovely lady Monk
. Check it out. ♫

Fantastic Four Special 1 February, 2006:
WRITER: Dwayne McDuffie

PENCILS: Casey Jones (Not the character from the Ninja Turtles or the guy in the Grateful Dead song who was riding that train high on cocaine.)

THE STORY: My dinner with Doom. Reed and Doom sit down to have a little din-din. One is left eating steak while the other is left eating crow. Not literally. I mean, one doesn't actually eat a crow. The term refers the fact that one of the characters comes away looking better than the other... and by "looking better," I don't mean physically better. Reed would win because he has a face. I mean, Doom has a face, but not an attractive one. He just hides his normal face behind a mask that has been constructed for him; kinda like Joan Rivers. Were we talking about something?

Spider-Man Unlimited 14  March, 2006:  C.B. Cebulski, Joe Reitman / David Finch, Ron Garney THE STORY: Superstar David Finch draws Spider-Man! Guest Starring the Black Cat & Dr. Doom!
What could possibly convince Spidey to break into Dr. Doom’s embassy? And how will the bad Doctor react to the intrusion? –

    Well, I don’t know what will convince Spidey to break into the Latverian Embassy, but I’ve got five dollars that says it is the thought of climbing up a castle wall right behind the Black Cat (Meooooowww). Spidey is not known for his ability to turn down the ladies, but I have it on good authority that spiders can not contract all the diseases humans can. Let’s pray Spidey was blessed with a spider immune system as well. There’s not enough penicillin in Manhattan to take care of his various flings. Anyways, I don’t really know why they want to break into the Latverian embassy. I assume it’s because the Black Cat is cold. New York in March is not warm enough to go gallivanting around with your bolshy groodies hanging out, O my brothers. I just hope Doom doesn’t come out looking like a guy whose apartment just got robbed. I can just see a panel with Spidey and Cat running away from the embassy, with whatever they stole, and Doom hanging out a window screaming, “You get back here!! I’ll get you for this!! Richards!!!!” I hope the issue is three pages long: Spidey and Cat break in, Doom grabs the pistol on his hip, and shoots them both in the face (just like real break-ins). Did I say that out loud? I’m sorry, there might be kids reading. Wait, kids don’t read anymore. Nevermind

Books of Doom 5 May, 2006: Ed Brubaker / Pablo Raimondi

THE STORY: Have you ever wanted to stick it to the man? I mean really, just walking up to those in charge, giving them the finger in front of all their cronies at the Olive Garden, and right in the middle of their meal too. Telling them, “I’m in charge now, and by God, telephone calls are 25 cents again!!” Yeah, down with authority!! I could run things better.
            Okay, we’ve all thought it, but the chance of that actually happening is the same chance as most of us getting a date…. (I said “most” not “all.” Calm down.) The point is, Doom did that and we get to see it all in this issue. Doom sticks it to the man, so that we don’t have to. Every time K-mart won’t take back your broken Marvel Legends figure because you painted it to match your favorite costume from the Claremont run, you can say, “If Doom were here, you wouldn’t get away with this,” and you’d be right… dorky looking, but right.

Fantastic Four #536  WRITER: J. Michael Straczynski  / Mike McKone

THE STORY: My, my, my, my music hits me so hard; makes me say, “Oh my Lord, thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and two hot feet.” Feels good when you know you're down; a super dope homeboy from the Oaktown, and I'm known as such. And this is a beat, uh, you can't touch. (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) You can't touch this. (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) You can't touch this. (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Break it down! (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) Stop! Hammer time!
            Little did Matthew Clarence Hammer know, when he penned this beautiful ode to super dope homeboys, he was predicting the future. It is “Hammer Time” and only Doom can touch this. You, on the other hand, can not. That’s right folks, Doom is back, he has Thor’s Hammer, my mom just made some of her world famous chocolate pudding; all is right with the world. This series has the potential to be the best arc ever. That is until a writer finishes it off by making Doom look ridiculous and having him disappear for about a year... not that that’s ever happened before.

Fantastic Four #537  WRITER: J. Michael Straczynski  / Mike McKone

THE STORY: Okay, I’m gonna be blunt, last issue left us with a thousand burning questions… and one strange burning sensation. Actually, the burning sensation may not have come from issue 536, but it did manifest right around the same time. Rash aside, where did all those Doombots come from? Wasn’t the point of “Authoritative Action” to get rid of Doombots? Did they just miss a couple hundred? How did Doom get back to Earth? Last time we saw him, he was deep inside Ben Grimm… spiritually (you bunch of sickos). How did Doom’s wayward soul find his body and then get back to the Marvel Universe? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? What kind of kid seeks answers to their questions by consulting a turtle and an owl? I have so many questions, but there is one thing I do know and I have no need to question it: This cover rules!! If comics were as equally good as their covers, we would know this would rank among the best. But, we know that that isn’t true because John Byrne’s covers ruled, but the stories inside were reminiscent to something a 3 year old on a five week cocaine binge would write to keep the voices away. I bought them anyway though. I never could get to the center without biting. A one… a two… a three… *crunch*.

Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #12  WRITER: Jeff Parker  / Juan Santacruz
Monster Garage has nothing on Johnny Storm when he rebuilds Reed’s old college ride as the hottest rod on Earth! FF villains hate eating rubber, but fans love the car. Unfortunately, a European Repo Man takes the vehicle back to its original owner in LATVERIA...

        Oh... my... God. First off, Monster Garage has plenty on Johnny Storm. Second off, I possess the hottest rod on Earth (if you know what I'm saying). And Third, but certainly not last, A European Repo Man?? What?? Look, I'm as open minded as the next guy, but do they even have Repo men in Europe... or cars? Every time I look at this cover, two things come up: 1. My lunch... and 2. A
memory of another story I love so dear. Let me recap it for you.
      "An eccentric professor invents wacky machinery, but can't seem to make ends meet. When he invents a revolutionary flying car, a foreign government becomes interested in it, and resorts to skullduggery to get their hands on it."
       Way to go Marvel. You have officially inserted my favorite comic characters into the plot of a Disney movie. I'm not going to give you the title for fear of copyright laws, but I'll give you a hint. It starts with a Chitty and ends with a Bang. Kinda like Kurt Cobain's life. I'm sorry, that was way out of line. Wait a second... Doom Buggy... now that's funny.

Books of Doom #6        WRITER: Ed Brubaker PENCILS: Pablo Raimondi
The Story: This critically acclaimed limited series comes to a close with the final days of Victor Von Doom's bloody rise to the throne of Latveria. His time to take vengeance on all those who have slighted him in his life thus far. Also, the secrets of the unprecedented interview Dr. Doom has been giving throughout this series is at last revealed!
       Who is it? I'm freakin' dying to know. I hope it's not Martin Bashir. If he does to Doom what he did to Michael Jackson, I'm gonna be mega peeved. Of course, it would be harder to do, considering Doom isn't really a psychopathic child molester, but these journalists can spin anything. One time I saw a journalist take a whiz on a cop's leg and tell the cop it was raining. The cop looked him straight in the eye... and then hit the journalist in that eye with his baton. Did you think that was gonna be a example of how journalists can spin anything? No, it's just a funny tale about a cop getting urinated on and a journalist getting whacked in the eye. That's what we call in Latveria a "Win-Win." On a side note, I really like this cover. On a further side note, rats can't vomit... that's why rat poison is so effective. It also explains the non-existence of bulimia in rats. Which in return explains their cute wittle chubby-wubby bellies.  

Black Panther #19 WRITER: Reginald Hudlin PENCILS: Scot Eaton COVER: Trevor Hairsine
The Story: “World Tour” Part 1 (of 6) The Royal Couple -- King T’Challa and Queen Ororo -- embark on a diplomatic tour that will have them spanning the globe -- and beyond! First stop: Latveria for a meeting with the Dr. Victor Von Doom.

                 “Hey Baby, we just got married. We should have a World Tour to freakin’ rub it in everyone’s face how freakin’ cute and adorable we are.”
                 “Sounds good, Scmoopie.”
                  “No, you’re Scmoopie.”
                  “You’re Schmoopie.”
World Tour… feh.  Who goes on a Diplomatic World Tour right after they get married? W doesn’t even go on that many tours and he has a war to promote. And what’s with all this “beyond” nonsense. Are they going to spread diplomacy to space?? I’m glad I don’t read this title regularly. I am, however, glad Doom will be appearing in this issue. I wonder what he got the couple for a wedding gift. I bet it’s a blender… or a missile. Either way, T’ Challa and Storm are gonna get toasted.

Blade #2    WRITER:  Marc Guggenheim PENCILS: Howard Chaykin
The Story:
The second issue in Blade’s new ongoing series by Howard Chaykin (Bite Club, American Flagg) and Marc Guggenheim (CSI: Miami, Wolverine)! Blade goes up against the monarch of a Balkan nation... but it’s not Dracula (been there, done that). This time, Blade has set his sights on none other than Dr. Doom! Plus, a look into Blade’s mysterious past!

Blade versus Doom?? Why don't we just have God versus Gilbert Gottfried... or Burt Reynolds versus Scott Baio. I mean, are we in that much of a need for a good Blade story that we have to act like he is even on the level of Doom? Doom is gonna smack Blade right back to Wong Foo (that was a Wesley Snipes joke for those of you not in the know). BTW, have you noticed Doctor Doom is fighting a lot of black superheroes lately. He's strangling the Black Panther, he's sending Doombots after Blade, he poured sugar in Luke Cage's mom's gas tank.... I mean what gives? I guess it just goes to show that Doom has no racial preference when it comes to whoopin' @$$.

Captain America 65th Anniversary Special

No a real appearance persee, but trust me, it deserves to be mentioned.


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Captain America #23

Punisher War Journal #4

Doombot... positively a Doombot



Heroes for Hire #8

Holy crap! My Barbies have come to life!

Deadpool / GLI: Summer Fun Spectacular Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Various
I love you, Dan Slott. You are talented and clever... and despite how it looks in photos, I know you're packin' six-pack abs under that shirt. You also can take somewhat lame characters, and through your wit and diatribe of previous storylines, make memorable moments and hilarious storylines. This is not at all sarcastic. In fact, Dan, if you ever wanna hang out, I'll buy you a drink. Now,  fliriting with Dan Slott aside, ever since the introduction of Squirrel Girl as a member of The GLI, I knew it was coming... I could feel it in all of my 207 bones... I knew that a story written by that senile Steve Ditko would come back to haunt Doom fans. But did you really need Tippy-Toe to break the fourth wall and kick us Doom fans in the (absolutely pun intended) nuts? That's cruel, Dan... I would've had your babies, but No More!!! Well, maybe one. For those of you who don't know about the Squirrel Girl Incident, go to the Most Wanted Section of the site for more info. Trust me... it's a Doombot. Just cause it's in-continuity, doesn't mean it can't be a Doombot, Dan. There was no pwning of the real Doom... or any other word that actually has a definition either.

X-men 200: Endangered Species Part 1

Quick Cameo

The Story: The original Fantastic Four is together again, just in time to cross paths with a hero who has traveled twenty years into the past in a desperate attempt to save his future from Reed Richards, the madman who is about to change the face of the planet. Oh, and the hero who has come back to save the world? His name is Doctor Doom.
Doom quote from this issue:
"Fantastic Four, I have come from the future to reveal important information.... Al Gore is a Skrull and the whole "Global Warming" thing was a ploy to get us to stop using fossil fuels. It turns out that the best way to kill a Skrull is to run it over  with a giant SUV. They found out Gore was a Skrull after he won his 16th Emmy for the episode of "Ugly Betty" he wrote and directed in which Betty removes her face to reveal she is really a beautiful super-model. The episode ended with the tag, "Based on the Life of Al Gore." The media was all a buzz that Al Gore was really a female masquerading as a man to succeed in politics. It got so bad that Gore finally had to prove his maleness by showing his anatomy to the entire media. It turns out that Skrull junk doesn't change to match the anatomy the being they're impersonating... awkward. Oh yeah... and the ending to "Lost" sucked. Stop watching now."


Dr. Doom has come from the future with a message: Reed Richards must be stopped now, before his ultimate Civil War plans come to fruition. What was Mr. Fantastic really doing during Civil War? The answers are finally revealed.
 You wanna play a prank on somebody? Just go find some silver clothes, put them on, sneak into your friend's house, and when they get home, tell them you are the you from the future. It should work. I mean, nothing in popular literature suggests otherwise. Look at Doom. He has only changed the look of his armor for brief periods of time from the 60's on, but apparently in 20 years, he gets tired of it and adds spikes to it. That way, when we read it, we won't get him confused with the current Doctor Doom... who is busy sitting in Latveria being underused by Marvel Comics. Plus, the size of his cape is just ridiculous. Honestly, Turner... he's not a freakin' Ring Wraith.



The Story: "The unexpected conclusion! When the Fantastic Four meet their future couterparts, they finally learn the astonishing outcome of Reed Richards' secret, post-Civil War plan."

So yeah, this issue introduces something that could be very important regarding Doom stories of the future... and past. I'm not gonna tell you what it is, but let's just say if I accidentally did tell you, I would now be able to go back in time and fix it without creating a whole new time line. Crap... I've said too much.

This issue really goes to show how bored old people get. You know how Boy Scouts and youth groups visit retirement homes and it is the highlight of the old peoples' week. Well, turns out old superheroes are not much different. This whole storyline basically revolves around future Doom having jack to do.

PENANCE RELENTLESS #4    Writer: Paul Jenkins    Artist: Paul Gulacy 

I know this is way out of character, but I actually liked this issue. Maybe I'm a Skrull. I won't lie to you though, that scares me a little. Not the me being a Skrull part, but the fact Doom is getting some good dialog. After you read this, you definitely get the feeling Doom is up to something so sinister that he is even able to put his magnificent ego aside in  order for his plan to succeed. I'm just a little paranoid. After all the crappy Doom writing, why so much emphasis on him being written into every title. Other than the ego thing, there are also other tiny little things are out of character. Usually, I would just strike that up to the writer, but with Secret Invasion going on, you gotta take everything into account. Then again, this could all be leading up to Quesada  introducing a new storyline entitled "One More Doom" in which Doom forgets that he hates Reed Richards and uses his superior intellect to cure cancer.

SUB-MARINER #6  Written by MATT CHERNISS / PETER JOHNSON (I know, that names cracks me up, too)

The Story:
It all comes down to this! Nearly every friend and ally the Sub-Mariner ever had has turned their back on him, and Namor has learned the shocking truth about the Atlantean sleeper cell and its leader!  

Emphasis on the word “nearly.”  Welcome back, Half -naked Water Brethren.  Oil prices are up, Hairspray is a hit movie, and super-villains are teamin' up. The 70's are back, baby. Get my disco ball, TAB, and  police hat full of cocaine. I'm ready to party!!!! Best last page since... well, since the last "best last page.
Super-Villain Team-Up!!
Super-Villain Team-Up!!
Super-Villain Team-Up!!
Super-Villain Team-Up!!
BTW: Did you notice this was a Turner Cover? He's had more covers lately than Britney Spears has had kids. Oh snap! Don't ever say my material isn't current!

THOR #5       Writter: JMS    Penciled by Oliver Coipel

What is the deal? Doom basically is MIA for a whole year and now all of the sudden he is popping up in every title from Thor to Little Lulu. He is touching base with all the villain greats... minus those on the campaign trail. I'm hoping this is leading up to a grandtabulous Doom story truly worthy of his character qualities, but life experience has taught me not to get my hopes up.  Seriously kids, this situation is not unlike a dad who has never been around your whole life and then all of the sudden he shows up one day and is all like, "Hey, wanna go throw the ball around?," and you're all like, "Sure, I've missed you so." It couldn't possible get any better, right? But after a montage of childlike catching up to the tune of "Just the Two of Us" (The Fresh Prince version), you find out that your dad has been milking your college fund and your mom is pregnant. He leaves in the night on an 18-wheeler only leaving a trail of heartbreak and a note on the pillow next to you that says, "You were always a disappointment, you pansy." That's just what it reminds me of though... but hey, we're getting more Doom stories and I was told never to look a gift horse in the mouth. I don't know what that means, but I guarandangtee I never have... nor will I.

MIGHTY AVENGERS #9    Written by BENDIS!!!!!!!   Good Art: Marko Djurdjevic   Bad Art: Mark Bagley

They Story: "DOCTOR DOOM!! The Avengers invade Latveria to take down Doctor Doom for his chemical attack on America. Only maybe it wasn't Doom exactly. It’s wall-to-wall mayhem as Mark Bagley joins Avengers writer Bendis in this globe–trotting spectacle filled with hints about next year’s SECRET INVASION!"

 Could this comic have any more splash pages?!  I am pretty sure they had a Go-Gurt add that had the Avengers fighting Doom's guards in a a big tube of ready-to-go yogurt.  They draw you into the comic with beautiful (and by beautiful, I mean bordering on pornographic) art by Marko D and then they have 18,000 splash pages by Mark B, and then they end it with some dotted stuff (I'm pretty sure it's by Mark B, but by that time, I was past caring).  The story was good, but there was only about 8 lines of dialog past the opening scene drawn by Marko D. I guess it's not Mark B's fault that Bendis wrote it that way, but Jesus.  You know what I just noticed,  when you add an "O" to your first name, your art gets a billion times better. Also, I hope the Sentry dies from hair cancer.  That is all.



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