March 2007 Point Totals

Xisiqomelir             145.31
Dice Man                140.23
the thoroughbred        136.16
DeaconKnowledge         134.10
TheKurgan               133.09
jet1911                 132.18
LOCK                    129.99
Miniboss1232            128.86
Heidir                  126.18
Jokeropia               125.56
johnjohnson             123.72
RubberJohnny            123.14
«þ»                     122.87
DSWii60                 122.72
apujanata               122.53
Odysseus                121.47
Restricted_Area         121.35
kpop100                 120.76
Bildi                   120.65
Freki                   119.56
BrodiemanTTR            119.56
johnsmith               119.33
d [- _-] b              119.30
arne                    119.22
Densha Otoko            118.90
hyonoid                 118.65
felipeko                118.04
justchris               118.03
Nuclear Muffin          117.91
JonathanEx              117.72
BuzzJive                117.68
hadareud                117.22
Kurosaki Ichigo         117.03
Patton                  116.91
StevieP                 116.90
TurtleSnatcher          116.72
duderon                 116.67
Branduil                116.60
milanbaros              116.57
legend166               116.52
schuelma                116.25
Son of Godzilla         116.00
Gekkonidae              115.94
Haunted One             115.65
Clever Pun              115.49
RZRiot                  115.22
2600                    115.21
giant_frying_pan        114.59
Doom_Bringer            114.32
Frankfurter             114.32
The Sphinx              114.25
TheDrowningMan          114.17
Revelations             113.89
rage1973                113.77
ascii42                 113.68
swander                 113.67
JoshuaJSlone            113.59
DefectiveReject         113.52
corez                   113.50
AniHawk                 113.50
Nander                  113.44
kallisto76              113.22
Cruceh                  113.22
Vagabundo               112.97
DodgerBlue              112.94
seattle6418             112.74
K.Jack                  112.69
Bo130                   112.68
kottila                 112.44
Mariah Carey            112.27
fresquito               112.26
gkrykewy                111.98
beermonkey@tehbias      111.92
JB1981                  111.77
DiatribeEQ              111.75
djtiesto                111.33
JJConrad                111.06
kisakiproject           110.84
Ganondorf>Link          110.75
Aristotlekh             110.52
dyls                    110.31
Cooter                  109.61
deftangel               109.60
Pope Benedict XVI       109.57
GhaleonEB               109.45
Potter                  109.29
Porkepik                109.22
turtle553               109.04
Brak                    108.63
Jewbacca                108.52
donny2112               108.41
F#A#Oo                  108.31
Tf53                    108.30
Orgen                   107.47
theviolenthero          107.13
bycha                   106.89
Hammer24                106.78
ylvis_                  106.75
argon                   106.74
TheProfessor            106.69
Blablurn                106.41
Chibbi Brady            106.32
Segata Sanshiro         106.30
Diablos54               105.91
mclem                   105.87
VALIS                   105.47
sonycowboy              105.23
Parl                    104.99
doicare                 104.86
PepsimanVsJoe           104.33
Mrbob                   104.32
jj984jj                 103.72
Stop It                 103.65
DayShallCome            103.06
Forgotten Ancient       102.56
MasterMFauli            102.55
starship                102.20
rostocker               102.16
Rekwest                 102.01
Pachter                 100.67
Flakster99              100.08
Yoboman                  99.68
acklame                  98.88
devilscallmedad          98.64
Earthstrike              98.63
manxor                   98.30
Thraktor                 96.97
acabado                  96.79
mood                     96.44
underfooter              96.43
Arsenal                  95.98
rs7k                     95.71
MiamiWesker              95.33
Chiggs                   94.90
JDSN                     94.77
Hcoregamer00             94.50
Crypto                   94.04
bananabread              93.07
InterMoniker             92.45
NMC2006                  91.87
Mr. Pointy               91.64
tribal24                 91.35
SouthernDandie           91.30
MightyHedgehog           89.69
Fredescu                 88.39
Bearillusion             87.86
pswii60                  86.88
Mojovonio                86.74
909er                    83.62
Javy007                  83.54
oo Kosma oo              83.02
PhoenixDark              77.89
The Black Brad Pitt      77.22
Coop                     74.06
DevelopmentArrested      72.01
bud                      70.90
Oblivion                 67.87
NinSox                   62.34
Jtyettis                 61.09
Evenball                 59.42
aztrex                   58.35
Zorglub                  58.21
VGCharts                 50.91
NintendoGal              50.60
Shnookums                50.09
gollumsluvslave          50.07
Idioteque                45.74
Emowii                   40.60
S8 RoXoRz                32.40
Karma Kramer             31.65
sedaku                   25.17

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