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Dr Manzoor Ahmed Butt

Manzoor Ahmed Butt is a Family Physician working since 1986 and Chief Executive of the Maqbool Clinic, Research & Training Centre, Shamsabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.

He is striving for improvement of family health care facilities with special stress on safe birth facilities for the Pakistani women in general and for the women of Shamsabad in special.

He is Chairman of Board World CME-Australia; Member of Executive Board of Child Watch, Australia; Chief Editor of Child Watch section, and contributing author of Middle East Journal of Family Medicine.

He received Global Family Doctor Award for August 2003 by WONCA-online, Australia.

He is Member of Middle East Primary Health Care Research Network; Member of International Federation of Primary Care Research Networks, and Associate Member, East Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME).

He is also Official Press reporter & Photographer of Medi + World, Australia

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