Thank you very much, the world-wide web, for even without knowing Deutsch properly, we could collect a good number of Deutsch words, within just half-an hour, from the ocean of authentic Deutsch text lying within you! Have we plagiarized from you, i.e., from your Deutsch-writing contributors? No, surely not, because we've collected just the words, not the texts themselves (not even any phrase or clause)! Can anybody lay intellectual property claim to just a set of words? Never, otherwise how I am writing this simple thank-you statement in English, without paying any fees to anyone or seeking any permission from anybody? Anyway, thanks a lot!

 -- Yours Sincerely, SB publishers.

N.B.: These auto-suggestions collected from the web-texts have the Deutsch-specific symbol-characters (such as ß, ö or ü) within them, unlike the auto-suggestions generated from SB-typed text (that contains corresponding key-combinations s+s etc. instead). However, this aspect makes life in SB simpler, not worse!