Versions 1.1 & 1.2
Developed by Eastern Star Software, Guwahati (India)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) along with Step-by-Step Instructions about Granthaalok
What is Granthaalok?
We describe it as: "Granthaalok is meant for managing in a password-protected secured way the book-lending & book-returning information of a small library, such as someone's personal (books & discs) collection, a neighborhood library or the mini-library in an academic department. (It doesn't take care of the financial aspects of the library at all.) It simply revolves around the nine basic processes of entry of new books, admission of new members, book-list viewing, member-list viewing, book-lending, book-returning, book-search, book-disposal and member-farewell. There are nine prominent bi-lingual command-buttons for these nine basic processes in the central working screen, and to this familiar screen the program conveniently keeps returning. Performing these processes are extremely user-friendly tasks in Granthaalok. In addition, it has an in-built number-adder for adding prices etc."
Let's also see how the
renowned software-hosting service Softpedia (
independently describes Granthaalok:
"(You can) manage a book collection with this lightweight program.
Granthaalok: The Book-Library Manager is a database manager that is intended to be used by libraries in order to manage the book collection. It also allows you to record new members that will borrow books from the collection.
The program enables you to track the book movements between the members and the library collection."
I couldn't find the desktop shortcut
(link) to Granthaalok that others have happily got. What to do?
We're sorry that in your case the Granthaalok installer was unable to copy the shortcut (link) icon (file) to your Windows desktop --
in many computers it succeeds! But you may easily do that yourself. To do that, open the working folder (e.g.,
C:\Grantha), starting from, say, 'My Computer'. From that working folder find and copy the link-file named
'Granthaalok Book-Library' (see picture of that link-file below), and then paste that link-file to your
desktop (i.e., the Windows desktop) to facilitate running the
Granthaalok application in future.
Why can't we quit Granthaalok by simply closing its
main program window? Why should the dumb error message "Can't Quit Visual FoxPro" be encountered?
Because of some intrinsic problem in Visual FoxPro (wherein we wrote the
Granthaalok program-set), we could not make the
Granthaalok session be saved when the main program window is directly closed by
the user. So the
direct window-closing operation has been inactivated. Sorry, but we couldn't
help it. Don't worry - just click at Quit/
Exit to quit Granthaalok.
Why I am being compelled to define
and use a password (the authorization
password) in Granthaalok?
It is simply because your library data - the book-lending and returning
information, etc. - are precious. You may as well be in charge of a public
library, and we don't want anyone to simply sit at your computer while you're
away for snacks, say, and enter some false and misleading information into your
library package. [For the same reason, don't leave the computer with the
Granthaalok session kept open!]
On your first entry into Granthaalok, you can get in with the pre-defined
password Guwahati, but it is obviously not a secret. So, as soon as possible, you should define your own
authorization password and type it within the above (basic or main) Granthaalok
screen, followed by a click at the nearby Take
it button.
Note: You may type your
authorization password in uppercase ('capital letters'), lowercase ('small
letters') or in mixed case - it doesn't make any difference.
Why do you compel me also to type Yes
(regarding today's date) whenever I enter Granthaalok?
This is because all information you enter in Granthaalok today will be recorded
against today's date (as that is known by your computer). If the computer's date is
unfortunately faulty, all your entered record will later look weird. So, we
stress that you really note the today's date displayed by your computer, and
manually type Yes to confirm that. If the displayed date is faulty,
immediately exit
Granthaalok, correct the date in your computer and only then re-enter into
We're an already established
library. Who'll fill in our existing list of
library books and members into Granthaalok?
You don't need computer professionals to enter them in Granthaalok (they're even
likely to come with some inconvenient pre-conceived ideas). You or your
colleagues can easily enter them, provided you have some time and your
collection is not very big. Just imagine every existing book or every existing
member as a newly acquired book or a newly joining member, click at the Got
a New Book or New Member Joins
button accordingly, and fill in the book or member details one by one. Just
take care to have a unique book-code for each book (in particular, even for
every different copy of the same book), and a unique memb-code for each member.
The word 'unique' implies here that any two members must have two different memb-codes,
while one particular member can't have more than one memb-code. You may
choose an appropriate coding scheme for the book-copies and another scheme for
the members, as per the exact situations and the long-term needs in your
Note: Better not start
filling in book-lending or returning records unless you're finished with filling
in the books and members details.
Image: Process of filling in record for a newly acquired or introduced book
("Got a New Book")
Should we fill in our existing
book-lending information into Granthaalok?
Yes, you must, but do that after you're finished with filling
in the books and members details. However, for obvious reason, fill in only the
active lending records,
i.e., the records for only those books that haven't yet been returned. [During those
days while you're filling in this particular set of information, if someone comes to return a book
and if you had already recorded his/her book-borrowing info, do record the return
of the book in Granthaalok.] After you're finished filling in the book-lending
information, the next fine morning you may safely inaugurate the software in your
organization or your home.
How do I fill in
a book-lending information into Granthaalok?
For that, first click at the button "Member
Taking Books". The list of members appears as follows:
Now press the Down Arrow key and (if necessary) the Up Arrow (in your keyboard) to
choose the Memb_code of the member who will borrow (take away) a book. In the
example, it is Amanda Smith (coded Publ_3426) who's going to borrow the book,
and so the Down Arrow was pressed once to select that memb_code, as shown in the
image above. Close the list of members (either by clicking at the close sign -
i.e., the X
sign - of the members' list, or just by pressing the Esc key). You'll be asked the
following question, as shown below:
If you're proceeding in the right direction, click at Yes
(or press Y key). Then the member will be asked to define the member-password,
if not already defined:
Next the list of books appears, as
shown below. [Have you noticed that in Granthaalok, the books or members are
listed in alphabetical order of the book-code or the memb-code only?]
Now press the Down Arrow key etc. to choose the book_code of the book (here
NF_Eng123B) to be lent, as shown in the following image. [Note that there are
two copies of the "A Brief History of Time" here, each copy with a
different book_code as per Granthaalok requirements, and that here the member is
going to issue (borrow) the specific copy coded "NF_Eng123B".]
Now close the list of books
above (say,
by clicking at its close sign, X).
You'll be asked the
following question, as shown below:
If that's all right, click at Yes
or press the Y key. The member will be asked to
fill in her member-password as follows:
If the member types her member-password correctly, and then you click Continue, the book-lending information will get recorded properly.
Why is there this tedious provision
of the member-password? Why this additional pain?
We understand that it's creating a bit of additional complications, but it works
as a confirmation from the member that she has actually borrowed the book. If
later she forgets and denies taking the book, then it may be pointed out by the
library personnel that during issuance of the book she herself must have typed
her member-password. It's like a digital signature on the part of the member.
However, if you want to do away with this crosscheck, you may easily do so. If
you don't want to call the members to type their member-passwords, you may
yourself define (at the beginning) and type (every time later) their member-passwords. In that
case, you better choose a common member-password for all members (say, India
- i.e., the country of origin of Granthaalok), and always keep typing that
member-password without trouble. [Don't make such a common member-password same
with your Granthaalok authorization password - in that case some member(s) may
easily learn that and create havoc someday.]
Is there a way to find whether a
book has been borrowed by someone, and if so, by whom?
Yes. Upon clicking at "Where is the
Book", you'll see the following screen:
In this screen you may type either some
part(s) of the author's name and/or some part(s) of the book title (however, the
spellings need be correct) and click at Search,
but in case of limited number of books in your library, may also simply click at All
Books. The list of books obeying the search criteria (or the whole list
of books, in the latter case) appears, showing their present locations, as shown below
(there's also an optional field Rack_kept):
After viewing, close this list of books; you'll be back at the central working screen.
What is the provision to assure a member
that the book that she has just returned has properly got recorded as being returned?
After duly recording in Granthaalok the return of a book (via "Member
Returning Books") and coming back to the main screen (see the topmost image),
click at the top-right History button.
Press Down Arrow, if necessary, to go to the most recent part of Granthaalok
history and show the member that the return of book has actually got recorded,
as shown in the following image:
What happens when a member comes to
borrow a book, but has forgotten his/her member-password?
In that case you may of course delete ("A
Member Leaves Us") the member and then let him/her re-join ("New
Member Joins"), but there is a much simpler way out of this mess.
Let's go for Advanced Editing in Granthaalok - it's not so difficult, though it may
be dangerous to your data. In the main screen, click at the top-lying Advanced
button and fill in the gaps in the following simple declaration (while you type the unchangeable advanced-editing password, it'll not be seen by you, unlike
what is shown here):
Now click at Let
me browse Members. The following table comes. BE CAREFUL not to change
any name or code etc., even unintentionally (say, don't keep a mischievous baby on
your lap). To ensure that better, press only the arrow keys or Page Up/ Page Down keys
or click mouse, but don't press any other keys such as alphabets or digits.
Press Up/Down Arrow keys (or even Page Up/ Page Down keys, if there are too many
members) to select the memb_code of the member (here Giuseppe Verdi) who's
forgotten his member-password, as shown in the following image:
Now click Right Arrow key, carefully,
several times to reach the last column named Del_mpaswd (take care not to press
any Up or Down Arrow key - if you do, that would unfortunately change the member
you're dealing with!). You'll see a F written on the record corresponding to
this member in this column, and it'll be covered with blue color (i.e., remain selected) as in
image below:
Now bring your finger carefully towards
the T key in the keyboard (yes, be careful!), and press it. The F entry will get
converted to T. Now press Down Arrow key to reach another record (yes, that
seems necessary - don't know why), and close
the list of members. The following screen comes. Mention what you just did, as
shown in the image below:
Now click at Save, then click at Save & Exit Advanced, as shown above. This work is over. Next time this particular member issues a book; he'll have to newly define his member-password.
Someone says that in Granthaalok, if
you enter information about a book or a member incorrectly, you'll have to first
delete that book or member record and then
correctly re-enter its data. Is that really so?
No, the case is not that bad. In such case, go for Advanced Editing as discussed
in the above answer and proceed to browse books or members as is needed, then
edit the member name or book title or author, etc. therein. But, of course, be
very careful here to not make any unintentional keystroke in a location where it
is not intended or desired.
In some situations, say while
defining or entering the member-password, you are not providing a Cancel button
- there's only a Continue button. But if a member comes unprepared to define his/her
password or has forgotten it, how should we proceed?
What to type or click at?
In such case, just don't type anything (also don't let the member type anything)
but directly click at Continue.
It'll be OK; you'll directly exit to the main screen. However, from Granthaalok
version 1.2 onwards, a Cancel button will be introduced to conveniently
deal with such situations.
How do I get a book returned by
using the "Member Returning Books"
After clicking at this button, you'll be shown a list of 'borrowers', i.e., the
list of members who have borrowed book(s) (and haven't returned them yet) as
shown below. There, by pressing Up/Down Arrow keys, select the memb_code of the member
(here Giuseppe Verdi) who has come to the library to return a book (see image).
Now close the list of borrowers above.
The following question will be asked:
If that's all right, click at Yes
or press the Y key. The list of books issued ('Bkissud') in his name will
appear in a list as follows.
Press Up/Down Arrow keys to choose the book_code of the book that the member is
going to return (see image).
Now close the above list of books
issued. The following question will be asked:
If you click at Yes or press the Y key, the book-returning information will get duly recorded (if you press N key, it'll not be recorded).
Can a member who hasn't returned
some borrowed book(s) leave (i.e., cease to
become a member) without returning the book(s)?
No. The return of all the books issued to him/her must be recorded before one is
recorded (via "A Member Leaves Us")
as having left the library system.
Can a book that hasn't been
returned by some member be recorded as
having been disposed off?
Unfortunately, it could be thus recorded for versions 1.0 and 1.1, but this will
be reversed from Granthaalok version 1.2 onwards.
How to get our running Granthaalok data
back into action, in case our computer or its
hard disk breaks down someday in the future?
To protect your Granthaalok data from computer
or hard-disk failure, you should backup the BACKUP
sub-folder (within the working folder C:\Grantha) into a CD/DVD, USB
storage (pen) drive or a web-folder (see image below), preferably once everyday (say, in every
evening, after closing the Granthaalok package).
Image: Backing up the Backup
subfolder by copying it into a USB
storage (pen) drive.
In case of a hard-disk (or computer) failure, Granthaalok has to be re-installed first, then these saved (backed up) contents (i.e., the files within the BACKUP sub-folder) has to be copied into the working folder C:\Grantha within the repaired (or new) hard-disk in your repaired computer. Note the two images below.
Image: Copying the contents of the Backup
subfolder from the USB storage drive.
Image: Pasting the contents (files) of the Backup
subfolder into the working folder C:\Grantha after Granthaalok
Note: In case your computer broke down today noon, and you backed up the Granthaalok data yesterday evening, jot down in a notebook what happened in your library today before the computer crashed - like one book introduced, two members returned books, one member borrowed a book, etc. You'll obviously need to re-introduce these data into Granthaalok after re-installation and copying of the backed up contents, to make your Granthaalok data fully up-to-date.
We want to upgrade Granthaalok to a
higher version, say to the future version 1.2. Keeping our old
Granthaalok data intact, how
to do that?
In that case, immediately after a day's backup
is duly over, delete the working folder C:\Grantha
and imagine that your hard disk has just crashed
(and got just repaired)! Thus, re-install Granthaalok (this time, the higher
version), then the saved (backed up) contents of the BACKUP
sub-folder has to be copied into the working folder C:\Grantha that has
formed after the re-installation.
I've come across this instruction
file on the web. Is it included in the downloaded program also?
In case of versions 1.0 and 1.1, it hasn't got included. But from versions
1.2 onwards, the working folder C:\Grantha of the installed program will
contain these instructions in the form of an HTML file HELP_FAQS, which could be
(generally) accessed also from the program interface by clicking at HELP
ME! button which would appear (at the location of HELPnEULA
in the topmost image) at the very beginning, before entering the authorization
Some people have written that
completely uninstalling Granthaalok is difficult. Is that really so?
Not at all! Just go to Add/Remove Programs wizard within the Windows control panel, and
try uninstalling Granthaalok - it would simply get uninstalled. However, after
un-installation, a residual shortcut remained at the Desktop, and a residual folder
C:\Grantha remained at the hard disk C-drive with some residual files -
you just
need to delete that manually.
Developer's E-Mail:
OR (latter one is accessed less frequently)
Note: PLEASE, do go through all the above instructions before posting any
queries via e-mail.