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Monday, 16 February 2009

Mood:  don't ask

Finally getting a chance to write again...always seem to be busy! If I wasn't busy enough, I've now added something new: Art classes at the school! On Tues and Thurs I am now "teaching" art to 2nd - 5th graders! It's been fun...but busy! I have 30 + kids after school on those days...and they are VERY noisy!!! Last week we did valentine crafts (one day we did painting) (very messy!) This week we are going to do shape poems. Writing is a type of art (the first week of the class we talked about what art is...) On Thurs we are going to color emotions! Next week we are going to talk about the color wheel and do water coloring.


Puppy's b-day went well...I think he was happy with what all he got.His g-friend made a really cool box for him in her shop class. Wish we could have gotten him more for his b-day...but money is tight right now (it is for everyone isn't it?) Hopefully this will change...and soon!


Little Penguin is doing okay in school. His testing at the school is finished and we have a verdict...he has a problem with written language he's smart (I knew that!) but has trouble putting the words on paper this also includes spelling. He is now getting help at school 2 days a week. Hope it helps. I have done some research on the web and as a result I am going to teach him how to use the computer so he can try writing using that. (also will teach him how to use the dictionary for spelling (that's what I do...since I really can't spell very well either!)


Our main computer has stopped working...this is the one Puppy uses most of the time for school work. It's been kinda nice NOT having him on the computer the last 5 days but we really need to get it going again! Was hoping to use this long weekend to trouble shoot the problem...however Puppy has decided NOT to be home this weekend! (he's spent more time at his g-friends house that here!!!)


Better go...for some reason NOTHING get done while I'm on here!



Posted by planet/echoemouse at 2:02 PM EST
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Friday, 9 January 2009
Mood:  cool

Well, we made it through the week! School started back up on Monday. I don't think that either of the boys were very thrilled with it but they are adjusting as well as can be expected. (I'm going to refer to the boys as they're characters from now on)


Our weather here has been so strange...We got snow in Dec...for around here snow is rare and it never lasts for very long...2 days at the most then it usually turns to rain and all melts away. Not this time....snow came on the 18th and stuck around until AFTER New Years! People around here don't know how to drive in it and the citys don't have the resourses to clear the roads so it was very dangerious to go anywhere during that time. Now that the snow is gone we now have massive potholes to deal with! (people run out and buy chains for their tires but forget to take them off on the roads that don't have snow and ice...really tears up the roads. This week we had to put up with rain...not the usual drizzle we get but massive downpours that lasted for 2 DAYS. Major floods and road closures! (WA was basically cut off from the rest of the states because all the passes and a part of I-5 were closed) Our yard is VERY soggy but the street is no longer filled with water!


Bad things about the weather:

 I worried everytime someone had to leave the house.

REALLY hard to finish the Christmas shopping when stores and roads are closed.

It was COLD


Good things about the weather:

Snow Ice Cream!!!! (Penguin's first time...and the older boys never got to have it very often)

Snowmen (though Penguin and I had a hard time...there was a thick crust to the snow but we made a snowman and snow angels!)

Long underwear!


Just checked out the time...have to head back to the school! Hopefully I'll have more time later!



Back's out for the week...Penguin is eating his "electric yellow" fruit rollup. he keeps yelling "Ouch!" the snack keeps shocking him ("that must be why it's called "electric"" he told me!)

Missed Penguin during his classes library time...they took him to do some more testing...he's being tested for dyslexia. We should know the results by the 21st.

(right now dog is sitting on the chair next to me...trying really hard to get my attention...wagging his tail and just looking CUTE!) (how can I ignore him? that waggy tail...those big eyes?) Guess I better go.


Take care We here in WA will try to stay dry (more rain is on the way) Hope you all stay safe!



Posted by planet/echoemouse at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 January 2009 7:02 PM EST
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Thursday, 1 January 2009

Mood:  lazy


Thought I'd try this out to see how it works.


News: The washer is working! Did a test run this afternoon and the pipes are no longer frozen! I will have to run it a few more times just to be sure...but this means no more hand washing! Makes me happy.


Im really glad that 2008 is over and I really hope that 2009 will be a much better year! (for everyone not just our family)


I think this enough for today...must come up with ideas to write here! hehehe! Captive audence!

Posted by planet/echoemouse at 9:45 PM EST
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