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   Although it's been almost 5 years since I've done any significant work on this site, I am presently working on a number of reviews which will be published shortly.  Thus I hope to get the ball rolling again.  When I started this site in 2006 I had no idea how busy it would get.  However, there is such a lack of information about so many authors and works of this period that I am led to hope the activity is justified!

   Incidentally, I realize that I've had a defunct email listed on these pages since 2010.  So if any readers/browsers attempted to contact me, they would likely have had their emails bounced back.  Apologies for that.  My personal contact address is  I am always interested in lists of material for sale.  This includes old books, magazines and memorabilia from the era under review.  If you have something that you want to sell, please drop me a line and I'll let you know if I'm interested. 

  SCAM REPORT: It has come to my attention that a massive amount of Edwardian fiction is currently being produced by fly-by-night publishing "companies" who managed to digitalize the entire collection of public domain books archived by Google, and available for free download at Google books. The majority of these "reprints" are not reproduced/photocopied from the pages of the original books, but are computer generated texts containing a plethora of spelling errors, false chapter divisions, and the like; which make them virtually unreadable.  These books are generally printed 'on demand,' are not in stock in any quantity, and usually cost more than old hardback copies available from reputable book dealers.  Since these companies have succeeded in spamming Ebay and other venues with their fallacious listings, luring collectors to buy their goods in hopes of getting otherwise out-of-print rarities, I thought a word of warning should be issued.  Under no circumstances should a collector buy a "new" copy of any vintage work of fiction, unless he/she is assured that it is issued by a real publisher, type-set according to the recognized standards of the publishing industry, or faithfully reproduced from the original pages  of an early edition -- and not digitized by a robot. 

-- 8/19/12