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Doggone Monthly masthead

Christmas Tree© David Hogan 2005

What's the significance of the name and the masthead?

The Doggone Monthly contributors recognize the duality experienced in many lives:  the joy and disappointment, the light with the dark, the two-steps forward followed by three steps backward.   The delight, fun, and wonder seen in the lives of the editor’s two beloved dogs appears in contrast to the hate, ignorance and all too human mistakes that mark our daily lives.

We want passion, happiness and our definition of success.  We get murky results.  “Doggone it!”was the most powerful 'curse' word the editor remembers her father (an officer and a gentleman) using at home when "all heck" broke loose. The Doggone Monthly encourages looking at life as it is, finding practical coping skills for the bad, and taking inspiration and encouragement from the good.  Pets and all God's creatures and creations are honored in the Monthly.

What is the "vision" and "purpose" of the Monthly?

The monthly is a miniature commentary on life, a howl of protest in some cases, a song of gratitude in others, and an organic, interactive cyber-salon where the young and the old, the rough and the polished can speak their minds and hearts fearlessly. The desired audience is universal: seniors, baby-boomers, and Generations X, Y, and Z.

Mary Ann Ruth, Editor
Audrey White, Designer

Who and what are we?

The Doggone Monthly is a commentary on life, part rant and part rave, created by people of all ages for people of all ages.  Many of us are connected as friends, colleagues, and kin.  Some of us came together just for the love of creative self expression and to celebrate our wonder and gratitude for life on earth.  Many of us are world travelers, or bring perspectives from different tribes and different corners of the global village.  Contributors range in age from 13 to 90 something.

Why would you want to read the Monthly?

  • You’re “mad as hell and don’t want to take it anymore” – Check The Squawk Box and many other entries

  • You’re sick and tired of constipated thinking and the crap that passes for entertainment in the media.  Refresh yourself with An Encouraging Word and our original essays, art, poetry and short-short stories.

  • You’re crazy about dogs—see stories from vets, pet owners, animal communicators and trainers and ads from service providers

  • You’re overworked, underpaid, with no time for fun in your life—check out our entertainment in Animal Crackers, cartoons and stories

  • You want to discover or rediscover your worth.  See the recurring
    columns Remember Who You Are, and Inspiration Corner. You can use them as tools for self- reflection and coping, finding meaning in the daily grind, and savoring the sacred in everyday life

  • You’re nostalgic for stories of family and a simpler way of life.  Check out 505 Mercer Street- a column of stories about one tribe from their home in the Mid-Atlantic Region

  • You love the earth, want more positive action to protect the environment, and want good economic outcomes as well--look at the monthly “A GreenThought in a Green Shade”

  • You absolutely know the reality of the mind-body connection and good health, may be concerned about weight or overweight, nutrition and exercise, but are distracted by confusing ads and information—see our Holistic Health section with entries from experts and success stories

  • You are mired in the muck of troublesome people or a toxic/boring work or school environment—see Making Meaning out of 9 to 5

  • You are stumped by problems and challenges  in leading an organization, managing or working with “crazies”—look at expert solutions from our Leadership Coach

  • You long for peace, beauty, light, and refreshment in a world racked with violence, un-ending street noise, ugly and uncivil behavior—take a deep cleansing breath and feast your senses on our original art, photography, humor, literature, and future audio and video streams

  • Festive DoorYou can't believe the "misguided"
    thinking behind some people's
    ideas of family values, political
    reality, human rights, social justice
    and economics but feel isolated in
    the sea of insanity—check out
    The Life Raft

© David Hogan 2005

*Look for the inaugural edition to be published January 18, 2006*

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