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  • DOL K-9 Team Prevents Serious Injury (continued from the front page)

    A light rain was falling and the sidewalks were wet. As the team approached the mailbox and newspaper vending machines located on the sidewalk, Lotti began to exhibit symptoms of discomfort in the area of her feet. Technician Feno recognized Lotti's discomfort as possibly emanating from an electrical current and reported his suspicion to the Security Command Center.

    An examination of the area by the building electrician determined that the mailbox, the newspaper vending machines, a nearby street light pole and the surrounding pavement were electrically charged. It was the opinion of the building electrician that the street light was the likely source of the errant charge and that, coupled with the damp sidewalk, a serious, and perhaps fatal, injury could have resulted.

    PEPCO crews responded to the scene and were continuing to work in the area well into the evening hours. Technician Feno and Lotti were commended for their timely and professional action in preventing possible serious injury to DOL employees and the public.

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