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™òreeFoto.comHolistic Horoscope:

With the Sun conjunct Venus in Capricorn over the holidays, I expect everyone had a sexed-up holiday, with yourself unexpectedly taking the lead, or perhaps caving in to your boss. If not, you still have a couple weeks to initiate! At any rate, for the next several months, Venus is in managerial position while Mars is in the lap of Taurus, a very feminine, earthy, sensual placement for that impulsive warrior. You may find your love-life topsy-turvy for awhile as your feminine energies figure out how to operate from their true strengths (Venus is underground doing her homework), and your masculine drives learn to stop and smell the roses.

Saturn is in Leo, so start restructuring your persona in ways that are truer to your real Self, otherwise that pesky planet will bring external circumstances smack into your face until you "see" your ego staring back at you, screaming for change.

Meanwhile, electrical Uranus is waking up Neptune in her sign of Pisces, while Neptune is dreaming her dreams in Uranus's sign of Aquarius - a rare mutual receptivity for these outer planets, so whatever you dream up these days has the "juice" to manifest. Just ask for it!!! It's also an easier time for opening up your third eye, asking your angels, and being crazily creative in whatever arenas you choose.

Health and abundance this month:

Don't spend a lot of time second-guessing yourself (Aries North Node), get real as far as managing your foods and schedule (Jupiter in Scorpio), soften your skin with self-massage, using a fabulous lotion, pomegranate if you can find it (Venus below horizon), and take your tempestuous higher Self along when you travel (Pluto in Sagittarius). She just might tell you something that will change your whole life.

AnnaMarie White, m.a., n.c.m.t., is a 3rd generation astrologer and tarot reader who has worked in holistic health fields for 12 years. She uses archetypal and fairy tale mythologies to empower her clients to re-wire their stories for optimum health and abundance. Feel free to e-mail her with astrological questions or comments at, and she will answer some of them in future issues of Doggone Monthly.