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The Bernie & Duffy Diaries - Brothers and Comrades
By Mimi Ruth

Bernie and Duffy are brothers. Well, half-brothers. Bernie and Duffy's pictures grace the Doggone Monthly masthead. Duffy McDuff is the white West Highland Terrier. Bernie (George Bernard Shaw) is the multicolored Cairn-Terrier and poodle mixed breed dog who appears to be charcoal grey in the masthead. (His coat is really a beautiful mix of grays and some light brown.) These two dog have been inseparable since they were birthed on the same farm.

Duffy is the adventurous "man about town." He loves other doggies; he is a dog's dog. In the early morning he sighs and whimpers while checking my face to make sure there will be play with doggie friends on the day's agenda. When we pull in the driveway to doggie day care he leaps from the back seat of the car to the front seat, barking with excitement. He enters the day care fenced yard with gleeful abandon and will roll over so his friendly fellows can sniff and greet him.

One of his favorite buds, Jake, a Schnauzer, and he have spent hours wrestling until they are so tired they lay down on the ground to rest and then proceed to neck wrestle—like friends or lovers who can't get enough of one another. Duffy finishes up by licking Jake's teeth and cleaning them.

Duffy is 21 pounds of dense muscle. He can pull a 130-200 pound person off center with a strong pull of his leash. He hunkers down when he is determined to follow another dog, chase a squirrel or cat, and exercises his might. He is a champion watch dog, protector of all lands and persons in his domain, mouser/ratter, and clever bone stealer. And he is a charmer. He knows how to gently leap onto a friendly person's lap, give them a backward glance with his huge black eyes, and endear even crusty folks...(view remainder of article)

See every difficulty as a challenge, a stepping stone, and never be defeated by anything or anyone.
--Eileen Caddy, The Dawn of Change

At any moment
I could start being a better person--
but which moment
should I choose?
--Ashleigh Brilliant, Potshots No. 1521

Success depends on where intention is. --Gita Bellin

One has just to be oneself.
That's my basic message.

The moment you accept yourself
as you are,
all burdens,
all mountanous burdens
simply disappear.
Then life is sheer joy,
a festival of lights.
--Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, The Sound of One Hand Clapping

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