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The Doggone Monthly June 2006 Masthead


How odd
to see old choices
tumbling from my heart
like water falling loose and free
the unidentified me's,
over-churned bubbles
of river head
now popping in the sun
as white birds call;

my new heart wobbles
with instinctive ease
while no thing holds
my God, I'm
smooth and raw
like pooh sticks
children fling
from little middles
to the river -
I barely know who did this.
is more than a swimming thing.

AnnaMarie White

See AnnaMarie's flyer
for some of her services

In Memoriam

I've been calling Judith Quinn "Saint Judith" ever since she passed away in late April 2006.

I celebrate Judith's life, her strength as a wonderful woman, her positive outlook, her courage and laughter in addressing life's challenges, and her love of life and family. It was my privilege to reconnect with her after she retired from government and to review Notre Dame Academy (NDA) high school memories as we water-walked and visited. She is a wonderful soul, and her spirit is deeply etched in my heart as a role model of determination and perseverance, a lover and protector of animals, and a warm and kind friend. My wish is that her family will be comforted and consoled even while missing her, knowing she has left an indelible impression on those who knew her. My belief is that we will be reunited in eternity and I look forward to that day.

Judith and I had made a pact that whoever passed away first would send the other a signal from "the great beyond." We decided that an electrical signal seemed practical for those souls who were newly passed on into the next dimension. I received that signal in multi-sensory, certain terms within a month of Judith's passing. She continues to be a joyful and playful soul who is looking out for her loved ones, God Bless her.

Mimi Ruth

Mercedes, an eleven-year-old Pomeranian in her Four Seasons of fashions.
Craig Harrison, the human companion for Mercedes, wrote about selecting her clothes in the January 2006
edition of The Doggone Monthly.

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. - Robert Benchley

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Josh Billings

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. - Ben Williams

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