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  • References:
  • Dog World

  • Preparing for the Unexpected By Liz Palika (continued from the front page)

    Many of the suggestions echo emergency preparedness for people. They include helpful reminders such as the following:

  • Follow orders to evacuate to avoid tragedy
  • Assemble a disaster kit
  • Two-weeks (not just 3 days) food, water & supplies
  • Vaccination records, licenses & microchip ID info
  • A clear photograph of each pet
  • Medical records, treatment plans & medicine
  • Important contact numbers for vets, medical doctors, family and friends
  • First-Aid kit for dogs
  • Canned dog food is easier to store, include a hand-operated can opener if there is no lift-off lid
  • Leashes, crates, identification & plastic bags for clean-up
  • Toys
  • Don't count on shelters or help for housing pets
  • Consult these websites for more info: The Humane Society, FEMA , and the American Vetinary Medical Association