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Terrorism in Maryland Middle High School   (continued from front page)

This school year:

  • A Middle School girl crashed through a window, breaking it with her head, and fell to the ground outside the school, where she lay bleeding as a result of two bullies tripping her near the window in the school hallway. That day an ambulance was called and she was taken to the hospital. The same bullies remain in school harassing and tripping other students. The authorities apparently took no corrective action.
  • A Middle School boy broke his leg after trying to escape a food fight that had escalated to high violence in the school cafeteria. Food fights continue to erupt weekly, and involve not only the mess of open milk cartons and sticky slop hurled at students and faculty, but the servitude of the innocent victims who are required to clean up the damage because school officials can't control or corral the students who initiated the fight.
  • A Middle School class witnessed the sight of a woman faculty member cringing before a female student, pleading "please don't hit me," after this same student had hit two other school officials in the face with her fist. Although this terrorist behavior went on for months, some action was eventually taken. At one point the girl was ordered to attend anger management classes. Recently she was removed from the school and transferred to either another school or institution that was judged capable of handling her. One wonders if action was taken because of her violence against school officials rather than mere students.
  • A Middle School student threw a chair in a classroom narrowly missing the heads of classmates. The faculty member and principal did nothing to stop the violence. The perpetrators continue to attend class. The other students have scary visions of nearly losing an eye or being scarred for life on their faces by these young criminals.
  • A Middle School student collapsed to the floor after being choked by another student during a classroom fight. It was students, not faculty or other officials, who attempted to stop the fight. The attacker has not been disciplined.
  • One-third of the fourth period class in this same Middle School shows up drunk to class. Other students report that the drunk students include bullies who are uncontrollable and frequently armed with weapons. Neither the principal nor the faculty members have addressed the situation.
  • The young criminals frequently break into other student's lockers, throw the contents on the floor or trash them. The authorities do nothing.
  • Students in class throw paper airplanes out the classroom window on the ground floor, and then leap out the window to retrieve them. The faculty members do nothing to restore order and calm to the chaos of this classroom.
  • Students in this Middle School have learned to duck for survival under desks and tables, not for head protection under civil defense drills, but for safety from the attacks and hurled missiles of student terrorists.
  • After school, two vans loaded with 18 teenagers pull up outside a Middle School student's home. They have come to settle a score or finish a fight with one student. The Middle School student in the home sees the van and anticipates an attack. He calls a policeman who lives in the neighborhood for help. Fortunately, one of the boys in the van encourages the others to "talk it out" with their intended victim.

This is Middle School, not High School. Can you imagine any learning taking place in this atmosphere? Parents have told their children victims: "don't fight," "avoid confrontation," and "walk in pairs." School authorities cringe in helplessness saying the law prohibits them from taking action to resolve the violence. The scene is being recreated across the United States. Which terrorism do you fear more?

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