Saving Windows
A clear view into the future Introduction: Windows are an extremely important part of the home building process. A windows glazing layers, use of tinted glass, and reflective coating can lower the amount of energy used lowering your electricity bill. That's why at Energy Smart Housing INC., we read between the blinds and take care of our coutomers.
Single Pane Windows
Double Paned and Glazed
The single paned windows allow more sunlight than the double
paned window, making the air conditioning unit in your home. We use the
double paned windows in our homes. Found at www.leeric.lsu.edu/ Glazing Layers: The layers of glazing that are on the windows of homes can be the difference between the energy savvy and energy stupidity. The more glazing layers you have the better off you will be. That is why at Energy Smart Houses INC. we triple the glazing layers on our windows. The glazing itself is a silicon substance. And you can have from two to four layers of glazing. The glazing substance keeps the cool inside our homes instead of cooling the entire neighborhood. Tinted Glass: The use of tinted glass is what separates the energy do’s from the energy dodo's.*Tinted glass and tinted window films have long been used in commercial buildings to reduce heat gain through windows Using tinted windows in the South Florida climate can reduce the amount of energy the air conditioning unit needs to cool the home. The tinting keeps the suns U. V. rays from reaching the home. Other helpful hints for windows at www.aceee.org/consumerguide/windo.htm * Reflective Coating: In the warmer months of South Florida (a.k.a. all the time) the reflective coating on windows can reduce energy usage. Reflecting the sunlight away from your home it allows the air conditioning unit to take a holiday. It can also reduce the passage of light and solar transmittance. More helpful facts at: |