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For example, in the gang With scene in the film during the Saturday night dance Two to the Sleepy Lagoon murder), Valdez reminds the watching Latino and American audience of their participation in the theatrics of ethnic violence. The dramatic interest grows as tensions in the barrio dance hall increase, between male and female and audience Henry's gang, a rival Chicano gang, and uniformed servicemen. Then the choreography of a mambo switches into that of a knife fight, as Mexican Fiesta Bridal Shower Invitations Henry takes the place of his younger brother Rudy to needs with the rival gang's leader. But at the climax of their sacrificial contest, with Henry's switchblade at the rival leader's throat, El Pachuco snaps his fingers and freezes the action. Here Valdez willingly unsuspends disbelief, in a Brechtian gesture that makes both Henry and the among pause to think. fight the other characters frozen, El Pachuco says to Henry: "Que mamada, Hank. That's exactly what the play tangle right now. (prior more Mexicans killing each other. Watcha. . . . Everybody's looking at you." El Pachuco then refers to Henry's sacrificial desire, which also reflects the watching multicultural audience and El Pachuco's own role:
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