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Larkinor is RPG adventure type of game. You create a character
that decides to move on the Larkinor island to live there.
He gets a house and some starting money. In order to gain more
money and better weapon, he kills monsters that threat Larkinor.
Before you start playing the game and creating characters there are
many helpfull tips and advices. Please read all help and FAQ on the game
page and read story. It is also a good idea to take a tour just to get a
feel for the game. Also visit this very helpful websites and consult them often.
If you ran into problems feel free to ask on forum.
Step-by-step instructions for new players
All about weapons, items, monsters and missions + usefull tools
Meet my 2 chars!
ELERYN, fighter/mage, level 19, hp=337, mp=398
He is my first character, is a bit funny and likes to attack people
on the street just for plain fun of pvp (person versus person) fighting. He's not
very strong or smart and his only goal in life is to pay off the king
1,000,000 silvers and get out of the island. But while he's there he also
likes to help his brother Learyn in order to become richer and stronger by
fighting monsters with drops that the other needs or digging required gems.
He is very shy and prefers wanderings around forrest and hanging on market.
LEARYN, pure mage, level 23, hp=422, mp=876, Clone's won battles rank: 196 (62)
Money earned in arena rank: 229 (1302s)
He is one very serious character. He knew he wanted to become the greatest mage
lord ever lived on Larkinor island and he does whatever needed to become one.
Unlike his older brother, he earned enough money to buy a mage tower and move
as of level 13. He'd describe himself as harmless eventhough rare mosters managed
to defeat him and he is a true champ in Arena fighting. His favourite hangouts are
swamps where he can hunt his favourite monster - sawtoothed bogcrocodile - or
making weapons in Fortress to sell and earn enough money to move away to
Thord-Artin island.
MINMIEL, pure mage, level 13, hp=229, mp=355,
She's my newest char, bearing the elvish name which means 'one cat',
she's also destined to become a pure mage but with more power than Learyn.
Having so much knowledge, of her older brother, she's bound to be the number
one soon. She's very calculated, determined and powerfull. She likes to trade
her findings rather than selling them in the first store to get fast money.
Her favourite hangout is the Mage Tower where she can watch masters at work.
She likes to visit the king often, and wander around his great palace hoping she'll
live in one one day.
Fluffycat is feeling: