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of Statesville, North Carolina

If you are interested in learning more about The Red Hat Society, please visit this website~

"The Red Hat Society"


Our site is going to be a "HAPPENIN' PLACE"! And our chapter will be TERRIFIC! Lots of fun to share with any lady who looks forward to aging with energy and enthusiasm! Join the chapter and choose your Red Hat name. Share in all the activities of the "dis-organization". Questions??? Interested??? Please send a message to the email addy at the bottom of this page -


Q. What does the RED HAT SOCIETY do?

A. Nothing...actually, nothing that even remotely resembles work. (We have had our share of fund raisers and agendas.) We solemnly vow NOT to lift a finger to do anything that is NOT fun. OK, ladies...this is the bottom line - The RED HATTER'S Motto is "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!" If it doesn't sound like it will be fun - we won't be doing it!

Q. What are the rules?

A. There are only TWO rules.

RULE #1 - There IS a dress code. You will be asked to wear something RED on your head and a purple outfit to all Red Hat activities. If you have not yet reached the GOLDEN GODDESS age of 50 - you will be considered a "Lady in Waiting" and will be asked to wear pink head adornment and a lavender outfit. (You may accessorize as you please - after all, ladies, WE MUST think about our image...)

RULE #2 - There are NO other rules.

Q. How much are the "dues"?

A. DUES??? There are no dues - that is entirely too closely related to being a rule. But, if you would like an official membership card and want our chapter to be listed on the official Red Hat Society web site -then it will cost about $3.00 for each member a year.

Q. Will I be required to attend all the meetings?

A. Please go back and read the answer to the question about rules...

Our chapter was chartered on March 29, 2006. Since that date we have had some WONDERFULLY fun RED HAT MOMENTS and The Frankly Scarlets Chapter is growing by leaps and bounds.

Our activities include luncheons and dinners, pool parties and cook outs, concerts (we attended an ELVIS Impersonator Concert), karaoke (Girl's Night Out), Cruisin' the Lake, special holiday parades and visiting other chapters for delightful fun. We will be attending the Red Hat Society Day at the Concord Mills Mall this Easter weekend. We have also been the guests of our very own Princess Carolina, the Mistress of Mayhem, Lady Ivory and our Queen in their homes. Here are the links to the sites which picture some of these activities.

"Our First Meeting"

"Red Hat Society Day"

"Getting to Know You"

This year, we have LOTS of great ideas and plans for the coming months. We have discussed participation in the Celebration of Pink again this year, which will be held in October in Hickory. This occasion is a delightful, informative evening which will celebrate and honor the lives of all the brave women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. (Several of the Frankly Scarlets are survivors!)

We also plan to participate in the Statesville Christmas parade again! So all you Scarlets out there, get on your Red Thinking Hats and get ready for another fun year! Remember - if it isn't fun - we won't do it!

Below you will see some of the results of THE FRANKLY SCARLETS GLAMOUR SHOTS DAY. Each member brought her RED HAT attire and other paraphernalia for pictures to be taken and published on this website. Copies have been made available to each Scarlet for her personal use and she has selected the pictures to be published on this site. This will be an impossible task for many, as so many GORGEOUS pictures were taken. We want to say a special thank you to our photographer, Jeff, and our make-up artist, Kim.

Here are pics of some of the Frankly Scarlets - which are "just too cha cha for words." Hopefully, other pictures will be added soon!

Queen Carol, The Duchess of Dixie

The Queen's Mum, Lady Ivory

The Mistress of Mayhem

The Lovely Lady Lavender

WARNING: At this time, be very careful about sharing this site with members of the opposite sex. They will immediately begin to lose sleep and develop a compulsion to stare at the computer screen for hours on end...with their eyes fixed on the glamour shots. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

There will be many other events you may wish to attend - but, remember - THERE ARE NO RULES - only attend if you wish to participate!

The Frankly Scarlets welcome you to join our sisterhood. Aging cannot be avoided. However, we are united in our approach to these "sparkly" years. We will be doing it with style. I look forward to the years ahead as a member of The Frankly Scarlets. As Queen of this wonderful chapter, I will do all that I possibly can to promote the ideas of "Hattitude", silliness, prissiness (Playing dress-up is so much fun!) and LOVE for each other. Together, we will nuture our strengths, talents and wisdom. This is my pledge - for as long as I can keep my kids from putting me in a nursing home - where I will be the one wearing a red hat and a purple hospital gown...

Thank you for visiting our site. Please sign our guestbook before you leave and let us know that you were here. Just click on the link below. Join our chapter now and become a "charter member". (Now, isn't that special???) Then you could be a member of our Royal Kazoo band!


Queen Carol
The Frankly Scarlets

View our Guestbook
Sign Our Guestbook
