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Red Hat Society Day!

Concord Mills Mall - April 29th

(L to R) Madam la Rouge, Lady Lavender,Princess Carolina, The Red Baroness, Queen Carol (The Duchess of Dixie) and our newest chapterette - The Mistress of Mayhem ~

Our Very Own Darlin' Dancing Diva! The one and only PRINCESS CAROLINA!

And ALL EYES were on the lovely female dancers...

Yeah, right....

We were entertained by several dancers from the Arthur Murray Dance Studio. THEN - WE DANCED WITH THEM! What a HOOT!




Where and when

do we EAT???

Ladies in Waiting -(Above) PINK HATTERS Waiting to be RED HATTERS - (left and below) RED HATTERS Waiting to EAT! Rumor has it - some didn't wait! Could THIS be true????

Lunch at CHILI'S -

and then they were off!

Off to SHOP 'Til they DROPPED!

Wonderful bargains and GREAT FUN!

We'd like to thank The Judds for our background music -

"Girls Nite Out"

- and a very special thank you to our

AWESOME, Red Baroness for the following addition to this page -


On a beautiful morning on April 29th, 2006, the Frankly Scartlets started their engines and sped to Red Hat Day at Concord Mills, keeping in mind that they were also very close to the famous Lowe's Motor Speedway. This was indeed a very exciting occasion for the Frankley Scarlets of Statesville.

Queen Carol, Duchess of Dixie , drove Princess Carolina, The Mistress of Mayhem, Lady Bonnie, and The Red Baroness. The Queen drove a Lincoln Town Car, which she acquired on a rental basis due to an auto accident which occurred while she was driving around town in her pajamas. She was not injured and neither was the driver of the BIG TRUCK who crashed in the side of the royal coach. This is a rather complicated situation to explain, but the pajamas seem perfectly acceptable attire when the Queen puts her spin on the story.

Lady Lavender and Madam La Rouge joined us at the event, which was fun, and as usual, seeing all those Red Hats in one place is a thrilling experience. No one in our group won a prize, but Queen Carol, Princess Carolina and the Mistress of Mayhem did the Arthur Murray class, looking ready to try out for the Statesville Rockettes.

The Mistress of Mayhem gifted Queen Carol with a ski cap and a scarf----red with purple trim. Scarlets - get ready for a ski trip to the Swiss Alps this winter. As you know, by now, Queen Carol likes to climb every mountain, and take us along.

Lunch was laughter and sharing, and a new experience introduced by Queen Carol, called encore eating, or Second Harvest for Diners. Please contact Queen Carol for details.

Queen Mum was missed as well as Lady Kay. We hope to see them at the glamour shots or "I Can't Believe What I Look Like" event on May 13th. This may be a very memorable event, and since the pictures are going on the web page, it might be wise to take a vacation and get out of town.

Respectfully submitted, The Queen of Vice, The Red Baroness

~ The Frankly Scarlets invite you to join our chapter ~

Thank you for viewing the pictures of our latest event.

Our next scheduled activity is May 13th - Glamour Shots Day! Won't you please sign our guest book?

If you are interested in joining our chapter, please contact Queen Carol at the email addy below.

Queen Carol of the Frankly Scarlets

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