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Our first meeting was held on April 12, 2006, at the

lovely castle of Princess Carolina.


Lady Anita, Lady Ivory, Lady Patricia, The Red Baroness, Princess Carolina and Lady Kay

Lady Ivory, Lady Lavender, The Red Baroness, Madam La Rouge, Queen Carol and Lady Kay

Madam La Rouge and Lady Lavender

Princess Carolina and Lady Kay

The Queen's Mum, Lady Ivory

~New Camera~


~ Lovely Table and Goodies! ~

"Nothin' could be finah!"

The charter members of this new Red Hat Chapter met for an evening of frivolity and the requisite disorganization.

Princess Carolina hosted the event at her home in the woodlands by a babbling brook. (Due to present drought conditions, the brook did not babble.) On cue, a gorgeous red humming bird flitted about to show off her color. She is now an honorary Red Hat.

Amid much laughter and many distractions(two members wore purple and red bloomers), some very loose plans were agreed on by the group.

Queen Carol(this is a little confusing because the Queen is also The Duchess of Dixie) led a very lively discussion regarding plans for future activities, stressing FUN.

Everyone present was given a Red Hat gift by Queen Carol, who has purchased a large bag on wheels to carry her Red Hat items. This bag is full--and there has been just one meeting. The Queen wore a ruby and diamond crown which befits royalty.(Actually, the pretty stones aren't diamonds and rubies, but they look real!!)

Queen Carol has a Mother, Queen Mum, also known as Lady Ivory. Queen Mum is a talented musician and a designer. She has the one and only one, Red Hat cane. Queen Mum used a shower rod as the base for her creation, which is a real head turner!

Members compared notes on Red Hat shopping, and Queen Carol was the hands down winner as the fashionista. No one came close to duplicating her savvy style-----don't turn your back, Queen. It was noted that there was a contemplative look on the face of some members.

The Frankly Scartlets plan to memorialize themselves in a scrap book done by Princess Carolina, who does everything with aplomb.

All members are looking forward to Red Hat Day at Concord Mills on April 29th.

*The Frankly Scarlets wish to thank The Red Baroness for her delightful literary description of this event for the website.

Thank you for visiting our site. The Frankly Scarlets invite you to please sign our guest book. Remember, if you are interested in becoming a member of our chapter, please notify Queen Carol by sending a message to the email listed below.

Happy Red Hatting!

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