Figure 2.4 Scope screens for Example 2.19. Drawn in this figure is a grid pattern that closely resembles the grid pattern on the screen of an oscilloscope. It is a pattern of squares that is 8 from bottom to top and 10 from left to right. The lines at the half way point both horizontal and vertical, that is four up from the bottom and five in from the left, have the divisions subdivided into 5 parts by short lines that cross the major lines. Locations on the grid will be given as a pair of numbers with the horizontal distance from the left edge given first followed by the vertical distance from the center line. For example the pair of numbers 2,3 locates a point that is 2 divisions from the left and 3 divisions up from the center line. The pair of numbers 6,-2 locates a point that is 6 divisions from the left and 2 divisions below the center line. The wave that is drawn on the grid is a triangular one. It is made up of nothing but straight lines that slope either up or down . In figure eh the wave starts at 0,1.4 and slopes upward to the point 1,3.4. Then it slopes downward to the point 3,-0.6. Then goes back up to 5,3.4. Then to 7,-0.6 to 9,3.4, to 10,1.4 where it ends. In figure B the wave starts at 2,1.4 then goes to 3,3.4 to 5,-0.6 to 7,3.4 to 9,-0.6 to 10,1.4 where it ends. This completes the verbal description.
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