Figure 4.1 Circuit for a Simple AM Detector Probe. On the left are two arrows indicating connection points. The lower one connects to the bottom line of the diagram which may be interpreted as common but not necessarily ground. The upper arrow connects to a line wich connects to one end of a 47 p f capacitor. The other end of the capacitor connects to the cathode of a diode. The anode connects to the common line. This end of the capacitor also connects to the anode of another diode. The cathode of this diode connects to another 47 p f capacitor. The other end of this capacitor connects to the common line. The junction of the diode cathode and capacitor connects to one end of a 100 k ohm resistor. The other end connects to the common line. The common line connects to the outer shell of a phono plug. The junction of the diode cathode, 47 p f capacitor, and 100 k ohm resistor connects to the center conductor of the phono plug. You can use whatever kind of connector you wish. This completes the verbal description.
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