Big-5 GB |
1. High-frequency-used characters are sorted
according to "pronunciation".
2. Low-frequency-used characters are sorted
according to "radical".
How can you tell:
1. which character comes first?
2. which character comes second?
3. .....
傳統字 (Big-5) 百家姓Chinese Surnames
(注音, 拼音, GeoStroke code)
PKU Chinese Forum
(In case the above "chart" is not shown,
please CLICK here for a ".gif".)
How does a student know the GBK code
(or other "code") of his "name" ?
Are the hundred-some-page "cross-reference books"
widely available in all remote villages ?
From a long long not-well-organized list, do you know
how time-consuming is it to find these "codes" for a "name" ?!
This backwards method needs to be "improved" ASAP.