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Linux OS
Open-source Information, ..... etc.
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這就是今天 "臃腫的 Vista" 之寫照.
If OS uses all the "computing resources" of a PC,
It seems that Microsoft's "OS expansion" has hit a bump.
微軟的 "運作系統 (OS) 無限澎脹" 商業政策,
users will not have enough
"processing power"
"memory space"
to do their work!
如果所有的資源都被 OS 占用罄了,
電腦使用人便沒有 "計算能力" 去處理業務了!
People will not buy a huge computer just for an OS!
人們不會只為了裝設 "大" 的 OS 去買
The "up-grade" days are over.
讓人 "不斷跟著爬升",
把人當傻瓜的好日子, 已經完了!
"微軟" 將轉型變成一個 "網路廣告公司"
去和 google 競爭!
If OS uses all the "computing resources" of a PC,
users will not have enough
"processing power"
"memory space"
to do their work!
如果所有的資源都被 OS 占用罄了,
電腦使用人便沒有 "計算能力" 去處理業務了!
The "up-grade" days are over.
讓人 "不斷跟著爬升",
把人當傻瓜的好日子, 已經完了!
"微軟" 將轉型變成一個 "網路廣告公司" 去和 google 競爭!
Linux OS
Open-source Information, ..... etc.