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Saturday, 14 April 2007
What's up?
Mood:  happy
I'm slaving away here. Well, no. Not really. I have the Dark Fury transcript up. I've made a new page for pics, videos, and music. I'm working on updating "A Passage" and I should be writing letters to my folks... Well, they'd know what I was doing if they had computers! *snorts*

My next project is to add the Pitch Black script. Might be sunday or monday before I get it up, though. I have added the EFBB soundtrack to the music files, but if anyone has more CoR related music tracks send them my way!

I'm also working on adding galleries for Dark Fury, CoR, and EFBB. Most of the pics will be screens or chopped from screens I've taken from the movies / games.

I'd like to get the macromedia version of EFBB too, but for now folks will have to head to Tigon studios and see it for themselves.

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 12:47 AM EDT
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