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A Passage
Intel on Riddick's 'Verse
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Sunday, 15 April 2007
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: A Passage
I still cannot post over at It seems that no-one else can either. It's the sort of thing that makes us writers pull our hair out, particularly when we've spent months working on a storyline and are ready to twist the plot into a new direction...

I want to address the issue of Jack vs. Kyra. The two actresses look nothing alike. I mean nothing! Rhiana Griffith (fansite here: The Rhiana Griffith Fan Club)is Jack. She started the role, and does the voice for Dark Fury. As far as I'm concerned the switch to Kyra and a new actress is a -- plot device! yeah, that's it. There's a twist to be exploited there.

I mean just take a look at this: Rhiana Griffith beside Alexa Dalavos. You can't get much different, really. Both are beautiful, sure, but Griffith will always be Jack to me while Dalavos will always be Kyra.

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Dalavos has a fanlisting here: Toxic Beauty

So do you wonder how I'm going to resolve this conflict? Hehe... you'll just have to wait for the chappie, won't you?

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 1:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 15 April 2007 1:06 PM EDT
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