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A Passage
Intel on Riddick's 'Verse
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Tuesday, 17 April 2007 Allowing uploads again
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: A Passage
What do you know? I was able to post chapter 26! It's very long, over ten thoudand words. There is a lot of stuff in that chapter. Sure I could have left out bits of it to make it shorter, but I felt that the chapter needed everything I put into it.

It's a dark chapter, then again I need to make Kyra's character less of a "mary sue" and more tragic. I need to show why she's the hateful, mean, violent brat that we all know from CoR. In short, she needs depth.

"A Passage" then has two Jacks. Both Jacks are somewhat canon.

The Jack with Riddick is the Pitch Black / Dark Fury Jack.
She does become a killer by need.
Give her something to protect besides her own self and she's like a lioness.
This Jack dislikes killing and death but like Riddick is willing to do whatever must be done to survive. She wants to live.

Then there's the "Jack" that becomes Kyra.
The Jack from CoR.
A Killer because she likes it,
because she's driven by her darkness after having most of her humanity stripped away by her treatment prior to CoR.
She's not mindful of her own life nearly as much as she should be.
She doesn't care one way or the other until death is certain and then she acts stupid...

I'm hoping that both old fans and new ones will like the contrast between the two Jacks.

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 10:36 AM EDT
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